ECMS Express - śledzenie
ECMS Express   

ECMS Express - tracking, śledzenie paczki

Monitoruj ładunki i przesyłki przewoźnika ECMS Express za pomocą naszej darmowej usługi! Wystarczy, że wpiszesz numer umożliwiający śledzenie paczki, a nasz serwis będzie gromadził informacje o jej lokalizacji w czasie rzeczywistym.

W jaki sposób mogę śledzić przesyłkę przewoźnika ECMS Express poprzez stronę

  1. Dowiedz się, jaki jest numer do śledzenia paczki;
  2. Wpisz go w pole znajdujące się na górze strony;
  3. Poczekaj, aż serwis sprawdzi dane przesyłki - to nie zajmie długo;
  4. Wyświetl wyniki wyszukiwania i udostępnij je znajomym poprzez media społecznościowe;
  5. Jeżeli podasz swój adres e-mail, będziemy mogli automatycznie powiadomić cię o zmianie statusu przesyłki.

ECMS Express - Format numeru śledzenia

  • *** *** *** *** *

# - litera; * - cyfra; ! - litera lub cyfra

ECMS Express - Statusy śledzenia paczek

Shipment is out for delivery. Out for delivery with HowChoong
In transit. 【北京转运中心公司】 已打包
Shipment is out for delivery. 配達中
Shipment is out for delivery. OUT FOR DELIVERY
In transit to pickup location. Parcel departed from KULH, Shah Alam and moving to PHOK, Old Klang Road
Additional information is required to process through customs. Please contact carrier to en-sure timely delivery. 正在等待收货人提供补充资料(身份证信息等)
04-Jun-21, 09:22 Submited To System
Shipment is out for delivery. Delivering
Held by carrier. Parcel pending clearance due to other government agency control
Shipment departed from carrier facility. 货物已离开始发站仓库(英国仓),正在运输途中
Shipment retrieved from terminal -KULG, Sepang
Local carrier has accepted package for final delivery. 发件||離開TWN電商轉運中心
28-Mar-22, 11:20 Submited To System
Departed FedEx location
Shipment delivered to customer. REGISTRO DE ENTREGA
Local carrier has accepted package for final delivery. 发件||已取件
Local carrier has accepted package for final delivery. 集荷
Left FedEx origin facility
Shipment departed from carrier facility. 货物已离开始发站仓库(香港特别行政区)
Shipment departed from carrier facility. 货物已离开始发站仓库(荷兰仓),正在运输途中
Shipment completed customs clearance process. Parcel Cleared US Customs
Parcel is pending for release. ICA RECALL
Przesyłka dotarła do miejsca przeznaczenia. Towar dotarł do magazynu kraju docelowego!
Shipment arrived. 【北京转运中心公司】 已收入
Local carrier has accepted package for final delivery. Processing at DHLeC Facility
Shipment arriving On-Time
Shipment arrived at carrier facility. 货物已到达始发站仓库(伦敦)
Shipment is out for delivery. Departed to INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FREIGHT TERMINAL
In transit to pickup location. Parcel departed from KULH, Shah Alam and moving to BKIA, Kota Kinabalu
Local carrier has accepted package for final delivery. ARRIVAL
05-Nov-21, 10:02 Submited To System
Shipment is out for delivery. Arrived at SEOULJUNGNANG POST OFFICE
Shipment departed from carrier facility. 货物已离开始发站仓库(芝加哥)
Local carrier has accepted package for final delivery. Inbound on lastmile Warehouse
In transit to pickup location. Parcel departed from KULH, Shah Alam and moving to PHBW, Butterworth
Shipment arrived at destination facility. Arrived At Destination
Shipment is tendering to third party carrier for final delivery. Departed Warehouse
提示信息. HUB LH436857 From HUB
Shipment completed customs clearance process. Out From Bonded Warehouse & Sent to Lastmile Provider
Shipment delivered to customer. Have been received
Przesyłka rozpoczęła proces odprawy celnej. Towary weszły w proces odprawy celnej
Shipment is out for delivery. ESCANEADO PARA SALIDA DE RUTA
Shipment is out for delivery. OUT_FOR_DELIVERY
Shipment completed customs clearance process. Pre-Clearance completed at KULG, Sepang
Tendered to local postal carrier for final delivery (No POD). ESCANEADO EN OFICINAS DEL SOCIO DE ENTREGA
Virtual Manifest has been received by carrier. The shipment forecast has been received and is waiting for the goods to arrive at our overseas warehouse
In transit to pickup location. Parcel departed from HK, Shah Alam and moving to KULG, Sepang
Shipment arrived at carrier facility. The goods have arrived at the origin warehouse (Chicago)
Shipment departed from carrier facility. The cargo has left the warehouse (Chicago)
Arrival at Unit
Shipment info confirmed. SCHEDULED
Shipment completed customs clearance process. CUSTOMS RELEASED
Shipment arrived at destination facility. The goods have arrived at the destination warehouse in China
Shipment delivered to customer. Delivered
Delivery Failed. 收件客户拒收
Shipment arrived at destination facility. From DPX
Carrier received electronic or paper manifest, but the shipment has not yet arrived. 收到预报但仓库未收到包裹,订单关闭
Local carrier has accepted package for final delivery. 【北京市顺义区天竺公司】 已揽收 取件人: 陈勇 (18058716727)
Przesyłka jest składana do przewoźnika będącego stroną trzecią w celu ostatecznej dostawy. SKANOWANIE W PARTNERSKICH BIURACH DOSTAW
Shipment information sent to FedEx
Przesyłka w tranzycie podczas dostawy ostatniej mili. RECEPCION EN ALMACEN DP
Shipment is in transit returning to seller. 订单已退运
Przesyłka dotarła do miejsca przeznaczenia. RECEPCJA W CENTRUM OPERACYJNYM
Shipment is out for delivery. ENROUTE
提示信息. SIN LH51631 To HUB
In transit to pickup location. Parcel departed from KULH, Shah Alam and moving to PHKG, Klang
Shipment arrived at carrier facility. 货物已到达始发站仓库(芝加哥)
Parcel in transit during last mile delivery. HANDOVER TO
Electronic Shipping Info Received
Arrived at USPS Delivery Unit
Parcel missed delivery due to insufficient time
Arrived at FedEx location
Virtual Manifest has been received by carrier. Shipping forecast has been received, waiting for shipment to arrive at our origin warehouse
07-Sep-21, 13:48 Submited To System
Shipment is out for delivery. Departed to EAST SEOUL LOGISTICS CENTER
Shipment is out for delivery. Booked
Tendered to local postal carrier for final delivery (No POD). Departed Warehouse
Przesyłka zakończona odprawą celną. Towary zostały wyczyszczone i wydane
Reminder message. Arrived Depot (By Script)
Shipment is out for delivery. EN RUTA DE ENTREGA
Przesyłka została przekazana do doręczenia. W procesie dostawy
Przesyłka dotarła do zakładu przewoźnika. Towar dotarł do pierwotnego magazynu Narita
04-Jun-21, 09:21 Submited To System
Przesyłka opuściła zakład przewoźnika. Towar opuścił magazyn (Los Angeles)
In transit to pickup location. Parcel departed from BKIA, Kota Kinabalu and moving to SDKA, Sandakan
Shipment arrived at destination facility. ARRIVED_AT_DESTINATION
In transit to pickup location. Parcel departed from US, Shah Alam and moving to KULG, Sepang
In transit to pickup location. Parcel departed from HK, HONG KONG and moving to KULG, Sepang
Shipment arrived at destination facility. 货物已到达目的站仓库(北京市)
Shipment departed from carrier facility: Shipment departed from carrier facility (Narita)
Shipment departed from carrier facility. 货物已离开始发站仓库(伦敦)
Local carrier has accepted package for final delivery. Inducted into Pitney Bowes Network
10-Mar-22, 16:08 Submited To System
Shipment departed from carrier facility. The goods have left the origin Chicago warehouse and are in transit to destination
Shipment is in transit returning to seller. EN PROCESO DE DEVOLUCION A ALMACEN DE HE