Inter Parcel - śledzenie
Inter Parcel   

Inter Parcel - tracking, śledzenie paczki

Monitoruj ładunki i przesyłki przewoźnika Inter Parcel za pomocą naszej darmowej usługi! Wystarczy, że wpiszesz numer umożliwiający śledzenie paczki, a nasz serwis będzie gromadził informacje o jej lokalizacji w czasie rzeczywistym.

W jaki sposób mogę śledzić przesyłkę przewoźnika Inter Parcel poprzez stronę

  1. Dowiedz się, jaki jest numer do śledzenia paczki;
  2. Wpisz go w pole znajdujące się na górze strony;
  3. Poczekaj, aż serwis sprawdzi dane przesyłki - to nie zajmie długo;
  4. Wyświetl wyniki wyszukiwania i udostępnij je znajomym poprzez media społecznościowe;
  5. Jeżeli podasz swój adres e-mail, będziemy mogli automatycznie powiadomić cię o zmianie statusu przesyłki.

Inter Parcel - Statusy śledzenia paczek

Parcel has been accepted in Depot. Note: Manifest #3623296 dispatched from Sydney NSW
B2CE - Returned at Warehouse
Export scan
Origin Scan
Departed from Facility\nDubai Airport, United Arab Emirates
W magazynie
This shipment has been closed
Customs cleared
Deadline set for 03.08.2022
A Status Update has been requested from the Agent.
Arrived at facility
Wrócił do magazynu
X-Border Depot Receipt
Parcel has been accepted in Depot. Note: Manifest# 3622096 dispatched from Sydney NSW
Sender tendered the shipment to UPS after the latest pickup time for the requested service. A day delay is likely
Kurier do ponownej próby
Parcel With INT Carrier
Arrived at Facility
Delay Major Event Delivery ASAP
Not Delivered - Large Item
Origin scan
B2CE - Undeliverable
Picked up from the Parcel Shop by Hermes
Processed at INT Hub
The courier has received this parcel for delivery and will set a delivery time shortly
Shipment in transit
In Transit
Ready to Ship
Inbound receipt at Sub Depot
Warehouse scan
We have received the details for this parcel
Shipment being processed at TNT location
Delivery Scheduled
Odebrane w międzynarodowym centrum przetwarzania
UPS initiated contact with receiver or importer for clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance
Warehouse Scan
The package is at the clearing agency awaiting final release
A mechanical failure has caused a delay
Arrival distribution office
Awaiting customs clearance instructions. We\'ve contacted the receiver to get them
Parcel left depot
Parcel has been sent Sydney - Country
attempted Delivery, 1st attempt
B2CE - Ready to Ship
Delivery will be rescheduled.
UPS initiated contact with the sender to obtain clearance information
Wyeksportowano z Wielkiej Brytanii
Connection delay due to customs. Recovery actions underway
The address label is illegible
Zgłoszono do dostawy
Przekraczanie granicy i w tranzycie do węzła przewoźnika
B2CE - Shipped
Customs cleared : authorized
Scan by warehouse
Out for delivery
Item not delivered - Incorrect/ illegible/ incomplete address
Scanned into Bay
W drodze do centrum
Received at the International Hub
Your package is pending release from a government agency. Once they release it, your package will be on its way
Parcel processed at the hub
At Post Office
Parcel Cleared Customs
Prepared for export by air
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DHL LAX 8)
We are unable to locate or contact your Consignee.\nProvide us with alternative direct contact details for the receiver.\nThe deadline has set for 11/06/2021.
B2CE - Delivered
There\'s been a delay but we\'re working hard to deliver on time
We\'ve missed the scheduled transfer time. This may cause a delay
Your package is pending release from a Government Agency
We\'ll contact the sender or receiver about this delivery
Your package has cleared customs and is on the way
Przyloty zagraniczne
Przesyłka została zarezerwowana
Received at the International Depot
Parcel ready to hand over to Kangaroo
Otrzymane przez Landmark Global do dalszej dostawy
Oczekiwanie na odprawę celną
The street number is incorrect. This may delay delivery. We\'re attempting to update the address
Processed at Hermes hub
Zgrupowane w placówce Landmark
Przygotowany do eksportu
Przetwarzane w magazynie dostaw
Receipt at Hub
Return has been processed at the Hermes hub and will be with the retailer shortly
Shipment now at depot nearest to delivery address
Addressee to collect from depot
We\'re in the process of returning this package to the sender