Pakistan Post - śledzenie
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Pakistan Post - tracking, śledzenie paczki

Monitoruj ładunki i przesyłki przewoźnika Pakistan Post za pomocą naszej darmowej usługi! Wystarczy, że wpiszesz numer umożliwiający śledzenie paczki, a nasz serwis będzie gromadził informacje o jej lokalizacji w czasie rzeczywistym.

W jaki sposób mogę śledzić przesyłkę przewoźnika Pakistan Post poprzez stronę

  1. Dowiedz się, jaki jest numer do śledzenia paczki;
  2. Wpisz go w pole znajdujące się na górze strony;
  3. Poczekaj, aż serwis sprawdzi dane przesyłki - to nie zajmie długo;
  4. Wyświetl wyniki wyszukiwania i udostępnij je znajomym poprzez media społecznościowe;
  5. Jeżeli podasz swój adres e-mail, będziemy mogli automatycznie powiadomić cię o zmianie statusu przesyłki.

Pakistan Post - Format numeru śledzenia

  • A# *** *** *** PK
  • C# *** *** *** PK
  • E# *** *** *** PK
  • L# *** *** *** PK
  • R# *** *** *** PK
  • S# *** *** *** PK
  • V# *** *** *** PK
  • COD *** *** **
  • RGL *** *** **
  • UMO *** *** **
  • UMS *** *** **

# - litera; * - cyfra; ! - litera lub cyfra

Pakistan Post - Statusy śledzenia paczek

Dispatch from district mail office Rawalpindi to International mail office IMO Islamabad (BagID:BAG27809141)
Received at T.T.SinghDMO
Insert item into domestic bag KARACHI INTERNATIONAL MAIL OFFICE (IMO Letter)
Dispatch from district mail office Hyderabad to International mail office IMO Karachi EP (BagID:BAG25976719)
Dispatch from district mail office Peshawar to International mail office IMO Islamabad (BagID:BAG21663583)
Insert item into domestic bag RAWALPINDI KUTCHCHERY PO
Dispatch from district mail office Rawalpindi to International mail office IMO Islamabad (BagID:BAG23816921)
Dispatch from district mail office Rawalpindi to International mail office IMO Islamabad (BagID:BAG26128727)
Received at AttockDMO
Insert item into domestic bag PESHAWAR DMO
Received at SahiwalDMO
Return item from customs in destination country
Record item reason for retention by customs in origin country
Booked at Faisalabad GPO
Delivered at delivery office KORANGI GPO to ADDRESSEE
Dispatch from DMO Islamabad to delivery office G-10 (HSG) (BagID:BAG24473938)
Received at RawalpindiDMO
Dispatch from district mail office Rahim Yar Khan to district mail office Lahore (BagID:BAG22780316)
Booked at Rawalpindi GPO
Booked at Mardan GPO
Insert item into domestic bag GUJRAT DMO
Receive item at delivery office in destination country
Dispatch from district mail office Chakwal to International mail office IMO Islamabad (BagID:BAG26155721)
Dispatch from DMO Jhang to delivery office Shorkot Cantt (BagID:BAG24904129)
Receive item at location in destination country KARACHI FOREIGN CED
Dispatch from district mail office Islamabad EP to International mail office IMO Lahore (BagID:BAG19828422)
Dispatch from district mail office Lahore Out to district mail office Lahore Out (BagID:BAG26825798)
Dispatch from district mail office Rawalpindi to International mail office IMO Islamabad (BagID:BAG23484270)
Insert item into domestic bag PESHAWAR FOREIGN POST
Receive item at office of exchange in destination country KARACHI FOREIGN CED
Send item out of sorting centre in destination country
Remove item from bag in origin country
Delivered at delivery office Mughalpura PO to ADDRESSEE
Insert item into domestic bag New Sabzi Mandi
Dispatch from district mail office Faisalabad to International mail office IMO Islamabad (BagID:BAG25067038)
Receive item at office of exchange in origin country IMO Lahore
Retained by Custom
Delivered at delivery office Hayatabad 1 to ADDRESSEE
Insert item into domestic bag NAZIMABAD GPO
Insert item into domestic bag QILA SHEIKHUPURA DMO
Insert item into domestic bag RAWALPINDI EPC
Insert item into domestic bag LAHORE DMO (OUT)
Dispatch from DMO Lahore to delivery office Mughalpura PO (BagID:BAG22502955)
Received at LahoreDMO
Insert item into domestic bag EP DELIVERY LAHORE
Dispatch from DMO Lahore to delivery office River View PO (BagID:BAG24760761)
Send item to domestic location in destination country IMO ICG AIR PORT KARACHI
Insert item into domestic bag PECHS BL-2
Dispatch from district mail office Karachi to district mail office Peshawar (BagID:BAG25491419)
Dispatch from district mail office Peshawar to International mail office IMO Karachi EP (BagID:BAG21701330)
Insert item into domestic bag RAWALPINDI DMO
Insert item into domestic bag SIALKOT FOREIGN CED
Delivered at delivery office Rawalpindi GPO to ADDRESSEE
Insert item into domestic bag PKIMO (Parcel Section)
Stop item import in destination country
Dispatch from DMO Lahore to delivery office Cpol 1417 (BagID:BAG24944254)
Insert item into domestic bag F. B. Area HPO
Dispatch from district mail office Rawalpindi to International mail office IMO Karachi Letter (BagID:BAG26181455)
Insert item into domestic bag PESHAWAR FOREIGN CED
Dispatch from DMO Lahore to delivery office Model Town PO (BagID:BAG25806889)
Dispatch from district mail office Abbottabad to International mail office IMO Karachi Letter (BagID:BAG24385011)
Dispatch from DMO Lahore to delivery office Zone No.5 Lahore GPO (BagID:BAG26878158)
Receive item at office of exchange in destination country KARACHI INTERNATIONAL MAIL OFFICE (IMO Letter)
Dispatch from district mail office Peshawar to International mail office IMO Karachi EP (BagID:BAG26581967)
Received at Islamabad EPDMO
Insert item into domestic bag FAISALABAD DMO
Received at Jhelum DMODMO
Delivered at district mail office Gujrat to Addresse (BagID:BAG24091755)
Received at MultanDMO
Dispatch from district mail office Rawalpindi to International mail office IMO Islamabad (BagID:BAG24181120)
Dispatch from district mail office Gujrat to district mail office Lahore (BagID:BAG24163092)
Dispatch from DMO Faisalabad to delivery office Chak 203 RB (BagID:BAG24868315)
Insert item into domestic bag KHI SADDAR
Booked at Karachi EP Center
Received at GujratDMO
Insert item into domestic bag Nishter Road Post Office
Dispatch from district mail office Nowshera to International mail office IMO Karachi Letter (BagID:BAG21712448)
Receive item at office of exchange in origin country
Dispatch from DMO Rawalpindi to delivery office Satellite Town PO (BagID:BAG27979898)
Insert item into domestic bag Rawalpindi DMO
Delivered at delivery office NISHTER ROAD PO to ADDRESSEE
Dispatch from district mail office Multan to district mail office Khanewal (BagID:BAG24799233)
Received at KarachiDMO
Received at Gulshan-e-Iqbal GPO Karachi
Insert item into domestic bag SIALKOT DMO
Insert item into domestic bag GULSHANIQBAL
Send item to domestic location KARACHI FGN POST in origin country KARACHI FGN POST
Send item to domestic location in destination country FAISALABAD FOREIGN POST
Delivered at delivery office Mumtazabad DO to ADDRESSEE
Dispatch from district mail office Lahore Out to district mail office Sahiwal (BagID:BAG27366377)
Insert item into domestic bag ISLAMABAD FOREIGN CED
Received at NEW KARACHI
Dispatch from district mail office Sialkot to district mail office Islamabad (BagID:BAG25276927)
Dispatch from district mail office Rawalpindi to International mail office IMO Islamabad (BagID:BAG23896305)
Received at GujranwalaDMO
otrzymać przedmiot od klienta w kraju pochodzenia
Dispatch from district mail office Faisalabad to district mail office Sarghoda (BagID:BAG25067818)
Received at OkaraDMO
Booked at Postmall Islamabad