SMSA Express - śledzenie
SMSA Express    +966 92000 9999   

SMSA Express - tracking, śledzenie paczki

Monitoruj ładunki i przesyłki przewoźnika SMSA Express za pomocą naszej darmowej usługi! Wystarczy, że wpiszesz numer umożliwiający śledzenie paczki, a nasz serwis będzie gromadził informacje o jej lokalizacji w czasie rzeczywistym.

W jaki sposób mogę śledzić przesyłkę przewoźnika SMSA Express poprzez stronę

  1. Dowiedz się, jaki jest numer do śledzenia paczki;
  2. Wpisz go w pole znajdujące się na górze strony;
  3. Poczekaj, aż serwis sprawdzi dane przesyłki - to nie zajmie długo;
  4. Wyświetl wyniki wyszukiwania i udostępnij je znajomym poprzez media społecznościowe;
  5. Jeżeli podasz swój adres e-mail, będziemy mogli automatycznie powiadomić cię o zmianie statusu przesyłki.

SMSA Express - Format numeru śledzenia

  • *** *** *** ***
  • 1 *** *** *** *** **

# - litera; * - cyfra; ! - litera lub cyfra

SMSA Express - Statusy śledzenia paczek

Shipment Picked up from the shipper. Estimated date of delivery is 17/06/2021
Awaiting Consignee for Collection and SMS sent at Ishbiliyah, King Abdullah Road (Exit- 9 East)
Awaiting Consignee for Collection and SMS sent at Shehar, Shehar Street
Shipment Has Been Delivered To :
Collected from Retail
Shipment Arrived at Destination Country - Under clearance process
Attempted Delivery - Consignee Changed Delivery Address - Delivery Rescheduled
Call Attempt - Consignee No Response
Shipment Picked up from the shipper. Estimated date of delivery is 27/07/2021
Shipment Has Been Returned To Shipper
Arrived Delivery Facility
Shipment Received at SMSA Sorting Facility
Shipment Picked up from the shipper. Estimated date of delivery is 17/08/2021
Shipment is not received yet from Shipper - When Shipment received, More Details Will Be Updated On tracking information– for further assistance, please contact the shipper.
Shipment Departed SMSA Origin Facility
Delivery Exception
Departed Facility
Customer Conatcted - Delivery Address Updated
Arrived at Office
SMS sent to consignee
Shipment Departed SMSA Sorting Facility
Customs Released
Shipment Is Under Return Process To SMSA Facility
Out for Delivery
Shipment Picked up from the shipper. Estimated date of delivery is 21/05/2021
Shipment Picked up from the shipper. Estimated date of delivery is 21/08/2021
Awaiting Consignee for Collection and SMS sent at Wadayne, Prince Sultan Street
Shipment Picked up from the shipper. Estimated date of delivery is 23/09/2021
Shipment Picked up from the shipper. Estimated date of delivery is 05/09/2021
Shipment Picked up from the shipper. Estimated date of delivery is 08/11/2021
Shipment Picked up from the shipper. Estimated date of delivery is 01/07/2021
Shipment Departed Origin Country
Awaiting Consignee for Collection and SMS sent at Al Khobar Al Janubiyah (At Thuqbah), King Fahad Road