Cek resi BAB Kingtrans
BAB Kingtrans

BAB Kingtrans tracking, lacak paket

Pantau pengiriman dan paket BAB Kingtrans dengan layanan gratis kami! Yang perlu Anda lakukan untuk melacak paket adalah memasukkan nomor pelacakan, lalu layanan akan melacak lokasi paket Anda secara waktu nyata.

Bagaimana cara melacak paket BAB Kingtrans saya dengan 100Parcels.com?

  1. Cari tahu nomor pelacakan paket Anda;
  2. Masukkan nomor pelacakan paket Anda pada kolom di bagian atas halaman;
  3. Tunggu sampai layanan memeriksa data paket, tidak akan lama;
  4. Lihat hasil pencarian dan bagikan dengan teman Anda melalui jejaring sosial;
  5. Jika Anda menyertakan alamat email, kami dapat memberi tahu Anda secara otomatis tentang perubahan status paket Anda.

BAB Kingtrans - Status pelacakan paket

destination, The item has been processed in the country of destination
The package arrived at the customs of the destination country
Получена информация об отправлении
Item outbound in sorting center
Item departed from origin
Отправление подготовлено для экспорта
Send to overseas import customs
destination, Customs procedures finished, Import procedure completed, your shipment is on its way to the recipient
The item has been processed in the country of destination
Item information received
Complete customs clearance at the destination
Таможенное оформление
destination,The Mail is processed at the post office sorting center
Покинуло сортировочный центр
The package has been sealed. Next stop, logistics Hong Kong
Item inbound in sorting center
CN, The shipment is handed over in bulk, final acceptance of goods to be confirmed
Item is ready for departure
Customs procedures finished. Import procedure completed, your shipment is on its way to the recipient
Покинуло страну отправления
Leave the processing center
Arrive at the place of delivery processing center
The package has left Hong Kong air
Таможенное оформление завершено
Send to destination city
Прибыло в сортировочный центр
Item is in transit
Arrive at the place of destination
Customs clearance for overseas imports
Прибыло в страну назначения
The item is processed at the post office sorting center
Отправлено в таможню для импорта
CN, The item is ready for shipment
Прибытие в процессинговый центр в месте доставки