Rastreamento - Itella

Itella - rastrear

Use nosso serviço gratuito para acompanhar encomendas e remessas da Itella! Para rastrear seu pacote, basta inserir o número de rastreamento e, com isso, o serviço rastreará a localização do seu pacote em tempo real.

Como faço para rastrear meu pacote com a Itella usando o 100Parcels.com?

  1. Descubra o número de rastreamento do seu pacote;
  2. Digite o número de rastreamento do seu pacote no campo no topo da página;
  3. Aguarde enquanto o serviço verifica os dados da encomenda, não demora muito;
  4. Visualize os resultados da pesquisa e compartilhe-os com seus amigos nas redes sociais;
  5. Se você inserir seu e-mail, podemos notificá-lo automaticamente sobre alterações no status de seu pacote.

Itella - informações sobre a transportadora

Itella opera na Rússia desde 1996 e sob a marca Itella desde 2008 após a fusão com o líder russo em logística de contratos - National Logistics Company, NLC e uma das maiores e mais bem sucedidas agências de marketing direto da Rússia - Connexions.

Hoje a empresa é conhecida no mercado como um fornecedor confiável com o escopo completo de serviços logísticos, incluindo armazenagem, transporte de carga e serviços de comunicação de marketing.

A Itella na Rússia emprega cerca de 2200 funcionários, tem armazéns de "classe A" com um espaço total de cerca de 400 000 m?. Os armazéns e escritórios da Itella estão localizados em todas as principais regiões do país: Moscovo, Saint-Petersburg, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok e Novorossiysk.

Os nossos clientes são empresas multinacionais bem conhecidas de diferentes indústrias, tais como a Automóvel, Engenharia, Bricolage, FMCG, Moda, Electrónica de Consumo, Farmacêutica e outras. Temos uma rica experiência no fornecimento de soluções logísticas personalizadas para estes sectores.

Todas as operações da Itella cumprem com as normas ISO 9001, 14001 relativas aos serviços de transporte de mercadorias por todos os meios de transporte. A Itella, na Rússia, é vencedora da classificação nacional EALA "Operador logístico da Rússia" nos anos 2010-2015 na nomeação "Melhor empresa de transporte de mercadorias no serviço de corredores de transporte internacional".

Itella - Situações de rastreamento de pacotes

Электронное восстановление данных
The item is in transport
The shipment is in sorting
Срок доставки почтового отправления согласован с получателем
Item arrived in the destination country. The item has reached the target country. If the item has to be customs cleared, it is directed to customs. Information and instructions on the item to be cleared are sent to the recipient. If the item need not be cleared, it is delivered to the recipient in accordance with the item’s product features
Disturbance in postal transport - unfortunately, delivery may be delayed
The parcel has been delivered / dropped off
The item is in transport. The item has been picked up from the sender and will usually be delivered to the recipient on the next business day
Försändelsen är i sorteringen
Item has departed from country of origin. The item has left for Finland. It is not always delivered directly to the target country but can be boarded onto another plane during the delivery. Therefore, a delivery time estimate cannot be given
A sorting error has occurred in the delivery of the shipment. The delivery may be delayed. No recipient action required
The parcel data was entered into the GLS IT system; the parcel was not yet handed over to GLS
A deviation has been detected in the item\'s delivery. Delivery may be delayed
Почтовое отправление можно получить по месту доставки в почтовом отделении, предъявив извещение о прибытии и код почтового отправления. Заберите отправление из абонентского ящика с кодовым замком. Отправление готово к выдаче в отделении Posti на основании уведомления или кода отправки. Выдача производится при предъявлении удостоверения личности. Если отправление доставлено в постамат, для его получения необходим код ячейки. Код ячейки отправлен получателю SMS-сообщением
Item is in delivery transportation. The item is in vehicle on its way to the recipient
Item delivered
The delivery time has been scheduled with the recipient
Item is in delivery transportation
Item ready for pick up at a Post Office collection point against a notice of arrival or item code. Pick up from parcel point with locker code. The item can be picked up from a Posti outlet with a notice of arrival or item ID and by showing an ID card. If the item has been delivered to a Parcel Point, it must be picked up using a locker code, which has been sent to the recipient as an SMS
Försändelse är inte annu i Posti
Försändelsen har anlänt till destinationslandet
The item is not yet in Posti
Выполняется транспортировка почтового отправления к месту доставки
Выполняется транспортировка почтового отправления
Item has departed from country of origin
The delivery time will soon be scheduled with the recipient
Item has been registered. Отправление (посылка) может быть зарегистрировано несколько раз во время процесса доставки. Регистрация не влияет на скорость доставки, а сообщает об этапах процесса
Item ready for pick up at a Post Office collection point against a notice of arrival or item code. Pick up from parcel point with locker code
Item in sorting. As a rule, parcels are delivered to the recipient on the next business day following sorting. In some connection distances, however, items are sorted more frequently and the delivery time is longer. The delivery time of tracked letters depends on the selected service
Delivery attempt made, but the recipient was not reached. Delivery will be attempted again at a later time. There may have been obstacles at the recipient’s that have prevented the delivery of the item, such as a door code, locked front door, barrier preventing vehicle entry or pets in the yard. If there have been no obstacles at the recipient’s, the driver has visited the address and rang the bell or buzzer, but no-one opened the door, a new delivery attempt will be made later during the same day
Transit, Sorting at Transit Gateway
A delivery time has been scheduled with the recipient
Item has not been collected.Returned to sender. The storage time of the item has expired, so it has been returned to the sender
Почтовое отправление отсутствует на почте. Мы получили от отправителя только электронное предварительное уведомление (EDI-сообщение) о посылке. Это означает, что посылка еще не прибыла в Posti для последующей доставки, поэтому, пожалуйста, подождите. Тем не менее, если с момента получения EDI-сообщения прошло много времени, просим связаться с отправителем для возможного получения дополнительной информации
Почтовое отправление находится в сортировочном центре
The parcel has reached the parcel center and was sorted manually
The item is on its way to the destination country
Товар покинул территорию страны происхождения
Не удалось вручить отправление получателю по причине объективных обстоятельств (например, заперта дверь подъезда). Получателю будет отправлено извещение о прибытии почтового отправления. В месте, куда планировалось доставить отправление получателю, возможно возникла преграда, по причине которой доставить отправление не удалось. Преградой может быть, например, код на двери, закрытая входная дверь в подъезд, невозможность проезда на автомобиле или домашние животные во дворе. Если в месте, в которое планировалось доставить отправление получателю, не было преград, водитель прибыл на место, позвонил в дверной звонок или домофон, но никто не открыл дверь. Поскольку отправление не удалось доставить получателю, оно будет доставлено в ближайшее к получателю почтовое отделение. Отправление можно забрать после того, как оно будет зарегистрировано в складской системе
A delivery time has been scheduled with the recipient. The item is delivered to the recipient at the agreed time
The parcel has left the parcel center
Destination Sortering Terminal
Item arrived in the destination country. The item has reached Finland and will continue on its way as a Posti delivery
Item in sorting
The parcel was provided by the sender for collection by GLS
The parcel has reached the parcel center
There has been an obstacle at the recipient’s, due to which the shipment could not be delivered. The ground floor door being locked is an example of such an obstacle. A notice of arrival will be sent to the recipient. There may have been obstacles at the recipient’s that have prevented the delivery of the item, such as a door code, locked front door, barrier preventing vehicle entry or pets on the yard. If there have been no obstacles at the recipient’s, the driver has visited the address and rang the bell or buzzer, but no-one opened the door. The item could not be delivered to the recipient, so it is delivered to the recipient’s nearest postal outlet. The item can be picked up when shelving shows in our tracking
Delivery attempt made
Выполняется транспортировка почтового отправления к месту доставки. Отправление передано для автомобильной доставки получателю
Почтовое отправление можно получить по месту доставки в почтовом отделении, предъявив извещение о прибытии и код почтового отправления. Заберите отправление из абонентского ящика с кодовым замком
Почтовое отправление получено для транспортировки
In transit
The parcel has been delivered
The recipient’s phone number is not in service
Försändelsen har registrerats
Доставка отправления может быть задержана на один день
Delivery may be delayed by one day
Item has been registered. The item can be registered several times during delivery. Registrations do not affect the item’s delivery speed but simply show the progress of the delivery
We have agreed with the recipient on, for example, pickup from a Posti outlet or terminal
Item has been registered
The parcel was handed over to GLS
Почтовое отправление прошло регистрацию
Item delivered to the recipient
The item has been registered
Почтовое отправление отсутствует на почте
Item received for transport
The shipment has created, but not handed over to Itella
Почтовое отправление прошло регистрацию. Отправление (посылка) может быть зарегистрировано несколько раз во время процесса доставки. Регистрация не влияет на скорость доставки, а сообщает об этапах процесса
Время доставки согласовано с получателем. Отправление будет доставлено получателю в согласованные сроки
Почтовое отправление вручено получателю
Мы пытались доставить посылку
O item ainda não está na Posti. Recebemos apenas uma notificação eletrônica antecipada (EDI) do remetente para este item. Isso significa que o item ainda não chegou para transporte pela Posti; por favor, espere pacientemente um pouco mais. No entanto, se já passou muito tempo desde a mensagem EDI, entre em contato com o remetente para possíveis esclarecimentos
Destination, Notification for recipient
The item will be delivered to a outlet for pickup
The parcel is expected to be delivered during the day
In transit. The item has left for Finland. It is not always delivered directly to the target country but can be boarded onto another plane during the delivery. Therefore, a delivery time estimate cannot be given
Principais transportadoras
Correios Brazil
Correios Brazil

State Postal Company

Rastreamento - Correios Brazil


Companhia de Correio

Rastreamento - Jadlog


Empresa de logística

Rastreamento - DHL


Serviço internacional de entrega express

Rastreamento - TNT


Empresa de correio americano

Rastreamento - FedEx


Empresa logística

Rastreamento - Estafeta


Companhia de Correio

Rastreamento - Directlog

China Post EMS ePacket
China Post EMS ePacket

Serviço de correio eletrônico na China

Rastreamento - China Post EMS ePacket

China Post
China Post

Serviço Postal Nacional da China

Rastreamento - China Post


Operador postal nacional

Rastreamento - USPS


Rastreamento de transporte padrão da Aliexpress

Rastreamento - Cainiao


Empresa logística

Rastreamento - Winit

Wish Post
Wish Post

Empresa chinesa de logística

Rastreamento - Wish Post

Yanwen Logistics
Yanwen Logistics

Empresa chinesa de logística

Rastreamento - Yanwen Logistics