Rastreamento - OnTrac
 www.ontrac.com    +1 800 334 5000   

OnTrac - rastrear

Use nosso serviço gratuito para acompanhar encomendas e remessas da OnTrac! Para rastrear seu pacote, basta inserir o número de rastreamento e, com isso, o serviço rastreará a localização do seu pacote em tempo real.

Como faço para rastrear meu pacote com a OnTrac usando o 100Parcels.com?

  1. Descubra o número de rastreamento do seu pacote;
  2. Digite o número de rastreamento do seu pacote no campo no topo da página;
  3. Aguarde enquanto o serviço verifica os dados da encomenda, não demora muito;
  4. Visualize os resultados da pesquisa e compartilhe-os com seus amigos nas redes sociais;
  5. Se você inserir seu e-mail, podemos notificá-lo automaticamente sobre alterações no status de seu pacote.

OnTrac - Formato do número de rastreamento

  • C1 *** *** *** *** *
  • D1 *** *** *** *** *

# - letra; * - dígito; ! - letra ou dígito

OnTrac - informações sobre a transportadora

A OnTrac é uma empresa de logística privada que contrata serviços de transporte marítimo regional no oeste dos Estados Unidos.

A empresa foi fundada na Califórnia em 1991 como California Overnight e foi formada a partir de aquisições de várias pequenas empresas de courier canadenses e americanas e se expandiu para mais sete estados: Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Colorado e Idaho. Os clientes iniciais eram expedidores de documentos que procuravam uma alternativa à entrega nocturna na Califórnia versus transportadoras nacionais. Sua área de serviço atual cobre 20% da população dos Estados Unidos.

OnTrac é a alternativa mais rápida e mais acessível para a logística de encomendas. Os expedidores de pequenas embalagens escolhem o OnTrac porque podemos acelerar o serviço terrestre sem o custo adicional do envio expresso. Temos uma rica história de serviço - é a base do nosso compromisso com os nossos clientes.

A OnTrac começou em 1991 como California Overnight, uma divisão da sua agora mãe de 60 anos de idade, Express Messenger Systems, Inc. A EMS foi formada a partir das aquisições de várias pequenas empresas de courier canadenses e americanas e viu uma oportunidade de fornecer um serviço mais acessível no dia seguinte, de Los Angeles a São Francisco.

Os primeiros clientes do Overnight Califórnia foram arquitetos e advogados, e nós crescemos rapidamente para ajudar outras indústrias a reduzir seus gastos com logística sem sacrificar o serviço do dia seguinte.

Expandimos para toda a Califórnia e depois acrescentamos Nevada em 1996, Arizona em 1997, e Oregon e Washington em 2005. Sabíamos que tínhamos ultrapassado o nome California Overnight, e começamos os preparativos para uma mudança de nome.

Pernoite na Califórnia, OnTrac e 65 Milhões de Consumidores

Em 2008, o California Overnight mudou o seu nome para OnTrac. Era o nome do nosso software de envio, que já estava em uso há mais de uma década. O OnTrac marcou o primeiro ano de seu novo nome ao abrir o serviço para Utah. Nós então adicionamos o Colorado em 2011, e o Idaho em 2013.

A área de serviços de 8 estados deu aos clientes a oportunidade de alcançar rapidamente mais de 65 milhões de consumidores sem pagar as taxas extras cobradas por outras empresas.

Parcel Logistics & Beyond

Hoje, a OnTrac conecta empresas a profissionais de entrega locais através de tecnologia líder, manuseio avançado de materiais e excelente atendimento ao cliente. Em 2014, a OnTrac lançou o DirectPost, um serviço de consolidação de pacotes USPS. Somos um parceiro SmartWay Transport Partner, um parceiro USPS Workshare, e estamos integrados com mais de trinta fornecedores de software multi-solução.

Nossa promessa é "On Time for Less", e nós apoiamos nosso compromisso oferecendo uma Garantia de Serviço de Retorno de Dinheiro.

O OnTrac oferece uma estratégia logística mais eficiente nos últimos quilómetros; as capacidades que você espera sem sacrificar a flexibilidade, o profissionalismo e o custo. É a próxima grande coisa em logística!

OnTrac - Situações de rastreamento de pacotes

Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 10/04/21 at 03:09AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 10/19/21 at 09:09AM.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 10/14/21 at 07:41AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 08/25/21 at 08:05AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 06/16/21 at 06:51AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 09/05/21 at 03:27PM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 06/24/21 at 03:38PM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 06/15/21 at 01:42PM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 09/21/21 at 06:34PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 09/08/21 at 05:00AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 06/16/21 at 11:58AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 07/08/21 at 10:38AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 05/01/22 at 02:49AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Out for delivery. The package was loaded on a vehicle at 08:13AM and is out for delivery.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 10/12/21 at 04:11PM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 04/12/21 at 02:24AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 07/27/22 at 06:20AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 11/17/21 at 12:11PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 09/04/21 at 08:56PM.
Delivered. The package was delivered on 07/29/21 at 12:21PM. Thank you for using OnTrac!
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 12/01/21 at 01:36PM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 07/09/21 at 09:03PM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 06/22/21 at 05:52PM.
Out for delivery. The package was loaded on a vehicle at 09:58AM and is out for delivery.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 06/07/21 at 06:22PM.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 08/21/21 at 10:54AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 07/05/21 at 10:59PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 09/07/21 at 06:03AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 04/27/22 at 01:53AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 07/02/21 at 04:34AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 11/17/21 at 05:51AM.
Delivered. The package was delivered on 05/17/21 at 12:33PM. Thank you for using OnTrac!
Delivered. The package was delivered on 06/07/21 at 03:24PM. Thank you for using OnTrac!
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 05/28/21 at 01:19PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 06/08/21 at 02:10PM.
Delivered. The package was delivered on 06/04/21 at 03:20PM. Thank you for using OnTrac!
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 10/11/21 at 06:18PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 05/08/21 at 03:08AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 10/26/21 at 07:23AM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 05/16/21 at 10:48AM.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 09/22/21 at 04:22AM.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 07/23/21 at 08:51AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 06/01/21 at 04:31PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 11/17/21 at 10:40AM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 10/07/21 at 07:32PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 06/07/21 at 11:06AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Out for delivery. The package was loaded on a vehicle at 11:03AM and is out for delivery.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 10/07/21 at 03:28PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 07/23/22 at 02:22AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 08/15/21 at 11:35PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 06/03/21 at 10:52PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 05/31/21 at 11:03AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 10/11/21 at 06:31AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 11/04/21 at 03:56AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Delivered. The package was delivered on 11/26/21 at 12:08PM. Thank you for using OnTrac!
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 09/08/21 at 09:13AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 10/08/21 at 02:49PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 05/09/21 at 03:50PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 10/23/21 at 01:21AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 07/18/22 at 10:13PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 10/14/21 at 07:34AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 07/13/21 at 11:24PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 09/09/21 at 08:36AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 11/27/21 at 02:35AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 10/24/21 at 03:51PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 04/15/21 at 08:32PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 07/16/21 at 04:17PM.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 10/20/21 at 04:10AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 09/17/21 at 01:52PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 06/08/21 at 01:13PM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 08/12/21 at 11:58AM.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 06/15/21 at 06:38AM.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 07/03/21 at 05:02AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 08/31/21 at 09:55AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Delivered. The package was delivered on 09/22/21 at 04:28PM. Thank you for using OnTrac!
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 06/16/21 at 08:12PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 10/16/21 at 10:02AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 06/04/21 at 02:53AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 09/01/21 at 08:13AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 10/31/21 at 11:51PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 10/19/21 at 08:22AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 10/06/21 at 10:42PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 09/02/21 at 03:16PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 06/24/21 at 08:10PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 10/02/21 at 07:08AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 11/15/21 at 11:58PM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 09/07/21 at 05:15PM.
Wrong delivery status. Update pending.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 08/23/21 at 05:23PM.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 07/14/21 at 04:51AM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 09/30/21 at 02:04AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 07/12/21 at 02:12AM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 11/27/21 at 01:58PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 04/01/22 at 06:58PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 06/27/21 at 06:27PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 06/29/21 at 07:22PM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 05/24/21 at 03:05PM.
Package arrived at destination facility. The package was scanned at the delivery facility on 06/05/21 at 09:16AM.
Package scanned at facility. The package was scanned at an OnTrac facility on 07/15/21 at 08:25PM.
Shipping label created; data received. The package data was sent to OnTrac on 08/24/21 at 03:58PM, but we have yet to receive the package from the shipper.
Principais transportadoras
Correios Brazil
Correios Brazil

State Postal Company

Rastreamento - Correios Brazil


Companhia de Correio

Rastreamento - Jadlog


Empresa de logística

Rastreamento - DHL


Serviço internacional de entrega express

Rastreamento - TNT


Empresa de correio americano

Rastreamento - FedEx


Empresa logística

Rastreamento - Estafeta


Companhia de Correio

Rastreamento - Directlog

China Post EMS ePacket
China Post EMS ePacket

Serviço de correio eletrônico na China

Rastreamento - China Post EMS ePacket

China Post
China Post

Serviço Postal Nacional da China

Rastreamento - China Post


Operador postal nacional

Rastreamento - USPS


Rastreamento de transporte padrão da Aliexpress

Rastreamento - Cainiao


Empresa logística

Rastreamento - Winit

Wish Post
Wish Post

Empresa chinesa de logística

Rastreamento - Wish Post

Yanwen Logistics
Yanwen Logistics

Empresa chinesa de logística

Rastreamento - Yanwen Logistics