Turkish Airlines Cargo - rastrear
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Como faço para rastrear meu pacote com a Turkish Airlines Cargo usando o 100Parcels.com?
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Turkish Airlines Cargo - informações sobre a transportadora
Oferecendo serviços para 127 países e sendo a marca de carga aérea que mais cresce em todo o mundo, a Turkish Cargo realiza as operações de transporte aéreo de carga da Turkish Airlines, a "estrela em ascensão" da Turquia, desde 1933.
De acordo com os dados acumulados obtidos em dezembro de 2019 pelos World Air Cargo Data; a Turkish Cargo atingiu uma taxa de crescimento de 7,1%, enquanto o mercado de carga aérea diminuiu 4,4%, subindo para o 7º lugar no mercado internacional de carga aérea.
Operando com a frota da Turkish Airlines, nossa principal marca de transporte de bandeira, incluindo 359 aeronaves (aviões de passageiros e cargueiros), a Turkish Cargo oferece serviço de carga aérea para mais de 322 destinos, incluindo 90 destinos de carga direta.
Atuando com o objetivo de fazer de Istambul, o ponto de intersecção do tráfego aéreo de carga, o centro logístico do mundo, a marca triunfante de carga aérea planeja operar vôos diretos para 120 destinos até 2023.
Enquanto a Turquia se prepara para se tornar um novo ponto de referência para o mundo com a abertura do Aeroporto Mega Hub de Istambul, as instalações SmartIST da Turkish Cargo terão uma área fechada de 300.000 metros quadrados e uma capacidade anual para separar 4 milhões de toneladas de carga.
Ao mesmo tempo em que garante o crescimento sustentável e continua sendo preferida no transporte aéreo de carga graças à sua infra-estrutura, capacidade operacional, frota e pessoal altamente competente, a Turkish Cargo pretende ser uma das cinco principais marcas globais de carga aérea em linha com a visão definida para 2023, marcando o centenário da fundação da República da Turquia.
Turkish Airlines Cargo - Situações de rastreamento de pacotes
Shipment Booked. 1 Pieces/294,00 kg. Flight TK0185 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 40 Pieces/927,00 kg. Flight TK0416 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 600 Pieces/2.648,00 kg. Flight TK6517 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/590,00 kg. Flight TK0032 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 47 Pieces/529,00 kg. Flight TK6539 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/30,00 kg. Flight TK6432 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 9 Pieces/130,00 kg. Flight TK6491 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/16,30 kg. Flight TK4911 |
Shipment Manifested. 80 Pieces/1.114,00 kg. Flight TK6394 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/49,00 kg. Flight TK0626 |
Remessa recebida fisicamente do voo e que chegou ao compartimento de carga no destino final. 1 peças / 73,00 kg. Voo TK8410 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 2 Pieces/0,00 kg. Flight TK6223 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/20,00 kg. Flight TK6528 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 9 Pieces/133,00 kg. Flight TK6292 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 3 Pieces/971,00 kg |
Shipment Manifested. 16 Pieces/336,00 kg. Flight TK0285 |
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/96,00 kg. Flight TK6276 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/14,00 kg. Flight TK6331 |
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/5,60 kg. Flight TK6163 |
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/7,46 kg. Flight TK6331 |
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/40,40 kg. Flight TK0651 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/52,00 kg. Flight TK6525 |
Shipment Manifested. 9 Pieces/1.864,00 kg. Flight TK6562 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 3 Pieces/743,00 kg. Flight TK1977 |
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 1 Pieces/21,00 kg |
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/144,00 kg. Flight TK1938 |
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/163,00 kg. Flight TK6163 |
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 36 Pieces/744,50 kg |
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 82 Pieces/17.925,00 kg |
Shipment Booked. 17 Pieces/280,00 kg |
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/108,00 kg. Flight TK1876 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 1 Pieces/18,00 kg. Flight TK6575 |
Shipment Manifested. 16 Pieces/63,00 kg. Flight TK6221 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 6 Pieces/74,00 kg. Flight TK0084 |
Shipment Manifested. 32 Pieces/144,67 kg. Flight TK0283 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 4 Pieces/262,00 kg |
Shipment Booked. 1 Pieces/11,00 kg. Flight TR1020 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/0,00 kg. Flight TK6163 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 9 Pieces/145,10 kg. Flight TK1083 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/18,00 kg. Flight TK0460 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/82,00 kg. Flight TK6278 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 4 Pieces/57,00 kg. Flight TK6491 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/42,00 kg. Flight TK6419 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 5 Pieces/195,00 kg |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/151,00 kg. Flight TK6201 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/48,00 kg. Flight TK1980 |
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/130,00 kg. Flight TK0801 |
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/30,00 kg. Flight TR2000 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 6 Pieces/255,00 kg. Flight TK6356 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 8 Pieces/74,20 kg. Flight TK4913 |
Shipment Booked. 1 Pieces/2,40 kg. Flight TK2313 |
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/55,00 kg. Flight TK6374 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 202 Pieces/2.610,00 kg. Flight TK6315 |
Shipment Manifested. 19 Pieces/233,00 kg. Flight TK6081 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 105 Pieces/605,00 kg. Flight TK6233 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 44 Pieces/628,00 kg. Flight TK1854 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/107,50 kg. Flight TK0459 |
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 2 Pieces/590,00 kg |
Shipment Booked. 2 Pieces/46,00 kg. Flight TK6327 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/371,20 kg. Flight TK0460 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 20 Pieces/337,00 kg. Flight TK6519 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/46,00 kg. Flight TK6107 |
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 2 Pieces/116,00 kg |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 6 Pieces/271,00 kg. Flight TK6522 |
Shipment Manifested. 6 Pieces/271,00 kg. Flight TK6522 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 13 Pieces/136,74 kg |
Shipment Booked. 33 Pieces/332,00 kg. Flight TK6575 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/20,00 kg. Flight TK0082 |
Shipment Manifested. 25 Pieces/195,00 kg. Flight TK1032 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 2 Pieces/26,25 kg. Flight TR1013 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 19 Pieces/424,00 kg. Flight TK1937 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 4 Pieces/56,60 kg. Flight TK6311 |
Shipment Manifested. 13 Pieces/136,74 kg. Flight TK6251 |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 105 Pieces/2.595,00 kg. Flight TK6317 |
The consignment has been physically delivered to the consignee or the consignee’s agent. 9 Pieces/7.970,00 kg. Flight TK6210 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 9 Pieces/170,00 kg |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 1 Pieces/2,50 kg. Flight TK0077 |
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/8,80 kg. Flight TR1017 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 2 Pieces/130,00 kg. Flight TK6163 |
Shipment Booked. 2 Pieces/590,00 kg. Flight TK0617 |
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 2 Pieces/16,00 kg |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 5 Pieces/0,00 kg. Flight TK0039S |
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 47 Pieces/493,00 kg |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/21,00 kg. Flight TK6403 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. -1 Pieces/-304,00 kg |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/474,00 kg. Flight TR1010 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 5 Pieces/62,00 kg. Flight TK1808 |
Shipment Booked. 5 Pieces/378,00 kg. Flight TK1938 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/35,50 kg. Flight TK6163 |
Shipment Booked. 4 Pieces/86,10 kg. Flight TK0099D |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/304,00 kg. Flight TK0071 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 30 Pieces/778,00 kg. Flight TK6528 |
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 2 Pieces/10,00 kg |
Remessa recebida fisicamente do voo e que chegou ao compartimento de carga no destino final. 43 peças / 1.052,40 kg. Voo TR2010 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 15 Pieces/349,00 kg. Flight TK6481 |
The consignment has been physically delivered to the consignee or the consignee’s agent. 2 Pieces/16,00 kg |
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/374,00 kg. Flight MH0149 |
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/41,88 kg. Flight TK0402 |
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/14,00 kg. Flight TK6331 |
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 2 Pieces/20,00 kg |