Air Canada Cargo tracking, spåra paket
Air Canada Cargo   

Air Canada Cargo - spårning av paket och leveranser

Håll koll på Air Canada Cargo -paket och leveranser med vår gratistjänst! Allt du behöver göra för att spåra ditt paket är att ange spårningsnumret, så håller tjänsten koll på ditt pakets plats i realtid.

Hur spårar jag mitt Air Canada Cargo -paket med

  1. Ta reda på ditt pakets spårningsnummer;
  2. Ange ditt pakets spårningsnummer i fältet längst upp på sidan;
  3. Vänta tills tjänsten kontrollerar paketuppgifterna, det tar inte lång tid;
  4. Visa sökresultaten och dela dem med dina vänner via sociala nätverk;
  5. Om du anger din e-postadress kan vi meddela dig automatiskt om ändringar av ditt pakets status.

Air Canada Cargo - Status över paketspårning

5 piece(s) 1661.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7264/06JUN21 from Miami to Toronto
224 piece(s) 1316.0 KG manifested on flight RV 1811/18SEP21 from Cancun to Toronto
Documents imported at Toronto on 05SEP at 1202
2 piece(s) 205.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 7253/05OCT21 on 05OCT at 1501
181 piece(s) forwarded to a bonded warehouse at HAV on 27OCT 1415
24 piece(s) 517.0 KG delivered on 23JUN at 1200 in HAV
36 piece(s) 659.3 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7269/04NOV21 from Toronto to HAV
5 piece(s) 1556.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 7269/01NOV21 on 01NOV at 2109
Documents imported at HAV on 14AUG at 0116
5 piece(s) 41.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 417/18NOV21 from Montreal to Toronto
Documents arrived at destination on 15OCT
6 piece(s) 358.0 KG departed on flight \\car \\fd on 22AUG at 1329
4 piece(s) 1359.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7262/15NOV21 from Miami to Toronto
5 piece(s) 142.6 KG departed on flight Air Canada 7269/30SEP21 on 30SEP at 2212
5 piece(s) 1661.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 7264/06JUN21 on 06JUN at 2239
5 piece(s) 1441.7 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7269/30SEP21 from Toronto to HAV
5 piece(s) 1504.0 KG received at Toronto from Air Canada 421 on 06NOV
2 piece(s) 13.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 991/16OCT21 on 16OCT at 0859
73 piece(s) forwarded to a bonded warehouse at HAV on 17NOV 0058
5 piece(s) 1364.2 KG received at Toronto from Air Canada 7262 on 01NOV
Documents arrived at destination on 18OCT
Documents imported at Toronto on 21OCT at 1754
Documents imported at Montreal on 04OCT at 1405
Documents imported at Quito on 06OCT at 0713
Documents imported at HAV on 13NOV at 0318
5 piece(s) 1443.0 KG received at Montreal from Air Canada 903 on 05NOV
2 piece(s) 102.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 891/26OCT21 from Rome to Toronto
1 piece(s) 227.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 6718T/10JUL21 on 10JUL at 1930
Documents imported at HAV on 01OCT at 1107
5 piece(s) 1661.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7269/10JUN21 from Toronto to HAV
Documents imported at HAV on 02NOV at 0059
5 piece(s) 1504.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7271/12NOV21 from Toronto to HAV
5 piece(s) 41.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 833/18NOV21 on 18NOV at 1037
240 piece(s) 1405.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 953/04SEP21 on 04SEP at 1440
1 piece(s) 272.8 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7271/05NOV21 from Toronto to HAV
18 piece(s) 504.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7258/16JUN21 from LIM to Toronto
2 piece(s) 36.0 KG received from the shipper in Toronto on 30SEP
2 piece(s) 498.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 7231/22AUG21 on 22AUG at 1243
7 piece(s) 749.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7269/02SEP21 from Toronto to HAV
1 piece(s) 288.3 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7269/27SEP21 from Toronto to HAV
Documents imported at Paris on 04OCT at 0711
Documents imported at HAV on 18JUN at 0056
Documents imported at Alicante on 15OCT at 1114
Documents imported at Toronto on 08JUN at 1928
5 piece(s) 1504.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 421/06NOV21 on 06NOV at 1924
Documents imported at HAV on 20NOV at 0423
224 piece(s) 1316.0 KG received at Toronto from RV 1811 on 19SEP
Documents imported at Toronto on 17JUN at 2039
5 piece(s) 1364.2 KG received at Montreal from Air Canada 418 on 07NOV
5 piece(s) 142.6 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7269/30SEP21 from Toronto to HAV
Documents imported at Toronto on 15OCT at 0712
Documents imported at Toronto on 24OCT at 0025
28 piece(s) 510.0 KG received at Toronto from Air Canada 7258 on 26JUN
10 piece(s) 200.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 083/23AUG21 from Tel Aviv to Montreal
Documents imported at HAV on 14SEP at 0230
7 piece(s) 205.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 045/20OCT21 on 20OCT at 0526
Documents imported at Montreal on 22AUG at 1604
7 piece(s) 205.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 045/20OCT21 from Delhi to Vancouver
Documents imported at Madrid on 02OCT at 1413
7 piece(s) 205.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 996/21OCT21 on 21OCT at 1825
4 piece(s) 1359.0 KG prepared for loading on flight Air Canada 7269/18NOV21 from Toronto to HAV
214 piece(s) 1350.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 953/07AUG21 from Cancun to Toronto
Documents imported at HAV on 06NOV at 0232
73 piece(s) 1337.0 KG prepared for loading on flight Air Canada 7258/31OCT21 from LIM to Toronto
18 piece(s) 504.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 7258/16JUN21 on 16JUN at 0547
Documents imported at Toronto on 26OCT at 2031
2 piece(s) 36.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7230/01OCT21 from Toronto to Madrid
Documents imported at HAV on 21SEP at 0833
2 piece(s) 36.4 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7269/05JUL21 from Toronto to HAV
214 piece(s) 1350.0 kg removed from flight 953 07AUG 1230 at Cancun
5 piece(s) 1460.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 7262/15NOV21 on 15NOV at 0046
2 piece(s) 36.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 6770T/14OCT21 from Madrid to Alicante
7 piece(s) 749.0 KG departed on flight Air Canada 7269/02SEP21 on 02SEP at 2114
5 piece(s) 1398.0 KG manifested on flight Air Canada 7271/26NOV21 from Toronto to HAV
Documents imported at HAV on 27NOV at 0236