Apple Express track and trace
Apple Express   

Apple Express tracking, pakket volgen

Volg de pakketten en verzendingen van Apple Express met onze gratis dienst! Alles wat je hoeft te doen om je pakket te volgen is het volgnummer invoeren, dan zal de dienst het traject van je pakket in werkelijke tijd volgen.

Hoe volg ik mijn pakket van Apple Express via

  1. Zorg dat je het volgnummer van je pakket kent;
  2. Voer het volgnummer van je pakket in het veld bovenin de pagina in;
  3. Wacht terwijl de dienst de gegevens van het pakket controleert, wat niet lang zal duren;
  4. Bekijk de zoekresultaten en deel ze met je vrienden via je sociale netwerken;
  5. Als je e-mailadres invoert, kunnen we je automatische meldingen sturen over veranderingen in de status van je pakket.

Apple Express - Statussen van volgen van pakketten

Delivery Exception - Business Not Open - Returned to Shipper
In Transit to Canada Sort Facility
Arrived at Canada Sort Facility
Out for Delivery
Delivered - Left at door
Thank you for tracking your delivery with us! \r\n \r\n Please note:\r\n \r\n The delivery service level requested by your shipper is to deliver by 9pm. \r\n There is no signature required at time of delivery. \r\n \r\n We will leave your delivery at your front door, except:\r\n \r\n In the case of apartment suites (if available, we will leave your parcel at a staffed front desk).\r\n When your parcel is unsafe to leave at your door.\r\n \r\n Our driver will use their best judgment to determine if it is unsafe to deliver due to inclement weather or close proximity to public areas. If our driver decides that your parcel is not safe to leave, they will leave a delivery attempt notice at your door. Your package(s) will be delivered to the closest Pick up and Drop off (PUDO) location by 10:00 a.m the next business day after the notification date above. \r\n IMPORTANT\r\n The collection point will hold your parcel for seven days. If your parcel is not picked up within this time, it will be returned to the shipper. Photo identification is required to pickup your parcel from the collection point. \r\n Want to know more about a delivery? Inquire about your shipment \r\n here. We will reply to your inquiry by the end of next business day.