Oriëntatiepunt wereldwijd tracking, pakket volgen
Volg de pakketten en verzendingen van Oriëntatiepunt wereldwijd met onze gratis dienst! Alles wat je hoeft te doen om je pakket te volgen is het volgnummer invoeren, dan zal de dienst het traject van je pakket in werkelijke tijd volgen.
Hoe volg ik mijn pakket van Oriëntatiepunt wereldwijd via 100Parcels.com?
- Zorg dat je het volgnummer van je pakket kent;
- Voer het volgnummer van je pakket in het veld bovenin de pagina in;
- Wacht terwijl de dienst de gegevens van het pakket controleert, wat niet lang zal duren;
- Bekijk de zoekresultaten en deel ze met je vrienden via je sociale netwerken;
- Als je e-mailadres invoert, kunnen we je automatische meldingen sturen over veranderingen in de status van je pakket.
Oriëntatiepunt wereldwijd - Statussen van volgen van pakketten
SHIPPED - MANIFEST #12403660 |
SHIPPED - MANIFEST #12397497 |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (SkyPostal CL CVB4) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (Intel Z5 (BB) #34) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (dhl ecom 31221 la n) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (ILPOST 1 020822 S) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (SkyPostal Cl #3) |
SHIPPED - MANIFEST #12396178 |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (SLC ROW PREM #3) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (COLIS PRIVE B2B 2) |
Emballage fini de cette commande. Prêt à expédier. |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DDP 264) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (ILPOST 18522 S) |
Final Notice; Item will be returned to sender if not collected within 10 days |
Livré |
Retained at distribution office : awaiting payment - addressee contacted |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (INTELCOM 3) |
Out for delivery (On the way to pickup point) |
Delivered (Delivered at door) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (CORREIOS EXP B2B) |
Received at return handling facility |
Addressee not reached after attempt 1 |
OUT FOR DELIVERY - Objeto saiu para entrega ao destinatário |
Informations douanières transmises |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (AMZ FLX P6) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (MAXI DDP NL #9) |
Item Departed from Destination Office of Exchange (Foreign Event) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (Intel Z9 (Eii) #12) |
Collected |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (CPC Z2 #51) |
Geleverd |
Delivered (Delivered at Neighbour Forced) |
SHIPPED - MANIFEST #12396304 |
Item arrived |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (PACKETA 8) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DDU/ROW MINI #11) |
Douane ingeklaard |
Item presented : addressee absent - message left in addressees letterbox |
SHIPPED - MANIFEST #12397010 |
Le colis a été traité |
ARRIVED IN COUNTRY - postrac # 117190361070 |
DELIVERED - MS - Entregado |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (COLIS NL #5) |
SHIPPED - MANIFEST #12408703 |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (SLC COLIS #1) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (COLIS PRIVE B2B) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (GFS Hermes #19) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DDU ROW IU #1) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DAI POST BNE) |
Unable to make delivery on 1st attempt, parcel returned to depot |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DDU ROW MU #25) |
The parcel was handed over to GLS. |
Handed Over to Partner Carrier |
ARRIVED IN COUNTRY - postrac # 044050360608 |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (AFlex (BB) #10) |
EDI received, but not processed, due to incorrect address |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (COLIS PRIVE 19) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DAI POST MEL) |
Levering door distributeur |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (MAXI DDU #12) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DDU/ROW MINI #1) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (SKYPOST BRA #2) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DDU EU #3) |
Maromme, 28, FR |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (INTAKE DDP X2 132) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (MAXI DDU #6) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DDU ROW MU #5) |
Delivery point delivery tification : EMAIL |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (HERMES 6) |
Aangeboden voor levering |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (DDU EU#10 BE) |
Inbound |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (ILPosT 1 21/12/21 N) |
Calling card herinnering tfication SMS |
Item is ready for transport |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (MIX ADS B2B 3) |
SHIPPED - MANIFEST #12406667 |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (INTAKE DDP X2 2) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (Intel Z5 (Bags) #10) |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (MAXI DDU #2) |
Received at Hermes hub |
Parcel received at the depot |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (Intel Z1 (Eii) #11) |
Processed Through Office of Exchange |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (ILpost 1 17/11/21 N) |
Undeliverable - Business Not Open. Redirected to PUDO Location |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (SkyPostal Cl #10) |
Your shipment has arrived at the postal operator of the country of destination and will be delivered in the coming days |
Grouped when pallet scanned to crossing (ZELERIS B2B) |
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