Matkahuolto track and trace
Matkahuolto    +358 0800 132 582   

Matkahuolto tracking, pakket volgen

Volg de pakketten en verzendingen van Matkahuolto met onze gratis dienst! Alles wat je hoeft te doen om je pakket te volgen is het volgnummer invoeren, dan zal de dienst het traject van je pakket in werkelijke tijd volgen.

Hoe volg ik mijn pakket van Matkahuolto via

  1. Zorg dat je het volgnummer van je pakket kent;
  2. Voer het volgnummer van je pakket in het veld bovenin de pagina in;
  3. Wacht terwijl de dienst de gegevens van het pakket controleert, wat niet lang zal duren;
  4. Bekijk de zoekresultaten en deel ze met je vrienden via je sociale netwerken;
  5. Als je e-mailadres invoert, kunnen we je automatische meldingen sturen over veranderingen in de status van je pakket.

Matkahuolto - Statussen van volgen van pakketten

We are waiting for the consignment to deliver
The consignment is ready to continue its journey from Matkahuolto Näätämö
The consignment is on its way
The consignment is ready to continue its journey from Matkahuolto Joensuu
The consignment is ready to continue its journey from Matkahuolto Rovaniemi
The consignment is ready to continue its journey from Matkahuolto Turku
Consignment is being processed
The consignment has arrived at Matkahuolto Lahti and is waiting for delivery to the Parcel Pick-up Point R-kioski Lahti Kiveriö Kiveriönkatu 32. We will inform the recipient when the consignment is available for pickup.
The consignment is ready to continue its journey from Matkahuolto Hyvinkää
The consignment is ready to continue its journey from Matkahuolto Jyväskylä
The consignment is available for pickup at Matkahuolto Tuusula.
We are now taking the consignment to the Parcel Pick-up Point. We will send a message to the recipient when it is available for pickup.
We have sent the recipient a message about the arrival of the consignment (sms).
The consignment is available for pickup at Matkahuolto Tohmajärvi.
The consignment has been delivered. Thank you for choosing Matkahuolto!
The consignment is ready to continue its journey from Matkahuolto Ivalo
The consignment is ready to continue its journey from Matkahuolto Vantaa
We were unable to deliver the arrival notification via SMS to the recipient based on the contact information provided by the sender. The recipient can pick up the consignment by presenting an ID (except for consignments delivered to a locker). We will try to send the arrival notification to another address if there is an alternative address for the recipient in the shipment details.
The consignment has arrived at Matkahuolto Vantaa and is waiting for delivery to the Parcel Pick-up Point Pakettiautomaatti S-Market Nikkilä. We will inform the recipient when the consignment is available for pickup.
We have received the consignment for delivery
The consignment can be collected from the Parcel Pick-up Point R-kioski Lahti Kiveriö Kiveriönkatu 32 until 10/28/21
The consignment is ready to continue its journey from Matkahuolto Kuopio