Ethihad Cargo tracking - Paketverfolgung
Verfolgen Sie Ethihad Cargo Sendungen und Pakete mit unserem kostenlosen Service! Um eine Sendung zu verfolgen, geben Sie einfach die Sendungsnummer ein und Sie können den Standort Ihrer Sendung in Echtzeit tracken.
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Ethihad Cargo - Informationen über den Spediteur
Etihad Cargo wurde 2004 gegründet und ist die schnell wachsende Frachtabteilung von Etihad Airways, der nationalen Fluggesellschaft der VAE. Von unserem Drehkreuz am Abu Dhabi International Airport aus bieten wir unseren Kunden eine Reihe von Frachtdiensten an, die mit unserem expandierenden internationalen Streckennetz und unserer Flugzeugflotte verbunden sind.
Ergänzend zu den über 100 Flugzeugen unserer Passagierflotte betreiben wir eine Flotte von Frachtflugzeugen, die im Liniendienst nach Europa, Nord- und Südamerika, Asien, Australien, in den Nahen Osten, den Indischen Subkontinent und Afrika fliegen. Insgesamt bieten wir unseren Kunden Zugang zu über 130 bestehenden oder angekündigten Passagier- und Frachtzielen, von denen einige ausschließlich mit Frachtflugzeugen betrieben werden.
Etihad Cargo bedient unterschiedliche Geschäftssegmente, indem sie spezialisierte Produkte und Dienstleistungen anbietet, die allgemeine und hochwertige Fracht sowie wertvolle Fracht abdecken. Wir bieten unseren Frachtern auch Charterflüge an, um eine maßgeschneiderte Streckenführung zu ermöglichen, die eine schlüsselfertige Lösung erfordert. Kunden können ihre Dienstleistungen direkt über unser Netzwerk von Etihad Cargo Büros weltweit buchen.
Unsere Mischung aus Passagier- und Frachtflugzeugen und unsere umfangreiche LKW-Flotte ermöglichen es uns, unsere Dienstleistungen fast überall auf der Welt anzubieten.
Ethihad Cargo - Status der Paketnachverfolgung
Shipment Departed. Flight EY0613 AUH to CMN |
Shipment Planned. Flight EY0937 AUH to HKG |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0212 AUH to BOM |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY8321T ORD to IAD |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0065 AUH to DME |
Prepared for loading. Flight EY0613 AUH to CMN |
FBL Sent. Flight EY0611 AUH to CMN |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0971 AUH to HAN |
Freight on Hand |
Shipment received from flight. Flight EY0082 AUH to AUH |
Shipment received from flight. Flight EY0613 CMN to CMN |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0873 AUH to AUH |
Prepared for loading. Flight EY0212 AUH to BOM |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY0082 MXP to AUH |
FBL Sent. Flight EY0977 AUH to SIN |
Shipment Departed. Flight EY0097 AUH to IST |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0926 AUH to AUH |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0926 TPE to AUH |
Shipment Departed. Flight EY0918 AMS to AUH |
Shipment Delivered |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY9932 PVG to AUH |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY9878 PEK to AUH |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0916 FRA to AUH |
FBL Sent. Flight EY0902 FRA to AUH |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY0926 HKG to AUH |
Prepared for loading. Flight EY0977 AUH to SIN |
Shipment Departed. Flight EY0977 AUH to SIN |
Shipment Planned. Flight EY0975 AUH to SGN |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0977 MXP to SIN |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0088 AUH to AUH |
Prepared for loading. Flight EY0065 AUH to DME |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0902 AUH to AUH |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY9916 PVG to AUH |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0613 BOM to CMN |
FBL Sent. Flight EY0082 MXP to AUH |
Shipment Departed. Flight EY0065 AUH to DME |
Shipment Departed. Flight EY0213 BOM to AUH |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0975 AUH to SGN |
Prepared for loading. Flight EY0213 BOM to AUH |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0918 AMS to AUH |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY9878 AUH to AUH |
Shipment accepted |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0873 ICN to AUH |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0926 AUH to AUH |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY0873 ICN to AUH |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY0918 AMS to AUH |
Shipment Planned. Flight EY0613 AUH to CMN |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY9878 PEK to AUH |
Shipment received from flight. Flight EY0918 AUH to AUH |
FBL Sent. Flight EY0097 AUH to IST |
Shipment Departed. Flight EY0212 AUH to BOM |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0038 AUH to AUH |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0918 AUH to AUH |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY9916 PVG to AUH |
Shipment Departed. Flight EY0902 FRA to AUH |
Shipment received from flight. Flight 0926 |
FBL Sent. Flight EY0065 AUH to DME |
Shipment Planned. Flight EY9842 AMS to AUH |
Prepared for loading. Flight EY0006 MUC to AUH |
Shipment received from flight. Flight EY0873 AUH to AUH |
FBL Sent. Flight EY0212 AUH to BOM |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY0213 BOM to AUH |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY0088 MXP to AUH |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0150 JFK to AUH |
Shipment notified for delivery |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0213 AUH to AUH |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY0212 MXP to BOM |
FBL Sent. Flight EY0613 AUH to CMN |
Shipment Booked. Flight EY9878 AUH to AUH |
Prepared for loading. Flight EY0097 AUH to IST |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0977 SIN to SIN |
Shipment received from flight. Flight EY0213 AUH to AUH |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY0916 FRA to AUH |
FBL Sent. Flight EY0918 AMS to AUH |
Shipment Departed. Flight EY0088 MXP to AUH |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0613 CMN to CMN |
Shipment Planned. Flight EY0065 AUH to SVO |
Shipment arrived. Flight EY0082 AUH to AUH |
Shipment Departed. Flight EY9878 PEK to AUH |
Shipment received from flight. Flight EY0038 AUH to AUH |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY0038 CDG to AUH |
Shipment manifested. Flight EY0006 MUC to AUH |
Shipment received from flight. Flight EY0088 AUH to AUH |