KLM Cargo Sendungsverfolgung
KLM Cargo

KLM Cargo tracking - Paketverfolgung

Verfolgen Sie KLM Cargo Sendungen und Pakete mit unserem kostenlosen Service! Um eine Sendung zu verfolgen, geben Sie einfach die Sendungsnummer ein und Sie können den Standort Ihrer Sendung in Echtzeit tracken.

Wie kann ich meine KLM Cargo -Sendung mit 100Parcels.com verfolgen?

  1. Finden Sie die Sendungsnummer Ihrer Sendung;
  2. Geben Sie die Sendungsnummer im Feld oben auf der Seite ein;
  3. Warten Sie, bis die Sendungsdaten überprüft werden, was nicht lange dauert;
  4. Sobald die Suchergebnisse bereit sind, können Sie sie über soziale Netzwerke mit Ihren Freunden teilen;
  5. Wenn Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse eingeben, benachrichtigen wir Sie automatisch, sobald sich der Status Ihrer Sendung verändert.

KLM Cargo - Informationen über den Spediteur

AIR FRANCE KLM MARTINAIR Cargo ist ein wichtiger Akteur in der Luftfrachtbranche. Mit der kombinierten Flotte unserer drei Fluggesellschaften transportieren wir eine Vielzahl von Gütern in alle Ecken der Welt. Wir ergänzen die große Frachtbauchkapazität unserer Passagierflotte durch die durchdachte und flexible Hauptdeckkapazität unserer 747 Combis und vollwertigen Frachtflugzeuge. Durch dieses flexible Konzept sind wir in der Lage, dem Markt eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen und Lösungen anzubieten, die nahtlose Verbindungen in die ganze Welt ermöglichen. Unsere beiden Drehkreuze, Paris Charles de Gaulle und Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, sind ideal gelegen (nur 398 Kilometer voneinander entfernt), um Ihnen Flexibilität beim Erreichen Ihres Endziels zu ermöglichen. Mehr denn je sind wir der Qualität und Einfachheit verpflichtet, um Ihren Versandanforderungen gerecht zu werden.


  • 2 Drehkreuze - Paris Charles de Gaulle und Amsterdam Schiphol
  • 1,2 Millionen Tonnen Fracht geflogen
  • 2,3 Milliarden € kombinierte Einnahmen
  • 457 Reiseziele in 157 Ländern (einschließlich Lastwagenstationen)
  • 172 Langstrecken-Passagierflugzeuge
  • 6 vollwertige Frachtflugzeuge
  • 1.100 wöchentliche Flugfrequenzen (Langstrecken- und Vollfrachter)
  • 208.000 m? Lagerbodenfläche
  • 4.145 Mitarbeiter weltweit

KLM Cargo - Status der Paketnachverfolgung

Booked. Pieces 3. Weight 62
FWB. Pieces 1. Weight 11
Cargo and documents departed at BUD airport. Flight KL1974. Pieces 1. Weight 11
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 1. Weight 20
FWB. Pieces 1. Weight 85
Cargo and documents departed at SVO airport. Flight KL0677. Pieces 2. Weight 8.9
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 2. Weight 118.5
Booked. Pieces 50. Weight 2000
Cargo and documents arrived at YVR airport. Flight KL0681. Pieces 1
Booked. Pieces 1. Weight 23.5
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 1. Weight 23.5
Booked. Pieces 1. Weight 5
FWB. Pieces 2. Weight 8.9
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 5. Weight 45
Cargo and documents departed at LIM airport. Flight KL0744. Pieces 16. Weight 512
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight MP4010. Pieces 1
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight KL0896. Pieces 1
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 226
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 1
Booked. Pieces 2. Weight 16
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. Pieces 1. Weight 123
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight KL0673. Pieces 1
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 2. Weight 97
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight EK0002. Pieces 26. Weight 1075
Cargo and documents departed at LED airport. Flight KL1396. Pieces 1. Weight 23.5
Cargo and documents departed at FRA airport. Flight MP4010. Pieces 1. Weight 210
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 1. Weight 153
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight MP6161. Pieces 1. Weight 30
Cargo and documents arrived at MXP airport. Flight KL1396. Pieces 2. Weight 118.5
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight AF6941. Pieces 11. Weight 493
Cargo and documents arrived at MXP airport. Flight AF1330. Pieces 2. Weight 118.5
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. Pieces 1. Weight 30
Cargo and documents departed at LHR airport. Flight KL8724. Pieces 2. Weight 82.6
FWB. Flight KL1382. Pieces 1. Weight 40
Cargo and documents arrived at PRG airport. Flight KL0896. Pieces 1. Weight 124
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 1. Weight 23.5
Booked. Pieces 2. Weight 10
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 1
The consignment has been physically delivered to the consignee or the consignee’s agent. Pieces 1. Weight 23.5
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 1. Weight 29
Cargo and documents departed at LED airport. Flight KL8807. Pieces 1. Weight 95
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 1. Weight 95
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight KL0900. Pieces 1
Cargo and documents departed at LED airport. Flight KL1396. Pieces 1. Weight 123
Booked. Pieces 3. Weight 58
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 1. Weight 210
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight KL0804. Pieces 5
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight KL1229. Pieces 1. Weight 123
Cargo and documents departed at YVR airport. Flight AF6969. Pieces 1. Weight 125
Cargo and documents arrived at SVO airport. Flight KL0682. Pieces 1. Weight 125
Cargo and documents departed at LED airport. Flight AF1330. Pieces 1. Weight 23.5
Cargo and documents departed at MIA airport. Flight MP6140. Pieces 8. Weight 303
Booked. Pieces 1. Weight 153
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight KL1229. Pieces 1. Weight 23.5
Cargo and documents departed at KHI airport. Flight AF0655. Pieces 24. Weight 999
Cargo and documents arrived at PVG airport. Flight KL1396. Pieces 1. Weight 123
Cargo and documents arrived at BER airport. Flight KL8435. Pieces 8. Weight 303
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight KL1243. Pieces 2. Weight 118.5
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight EK0607. Pieces 26. Weight 1075
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 1. Weight 9
Cargo and documents departed at LIM airport. Flight KL0903. Pieces 16. Weight 512
Booked. Pieces 9. Weight 100
Cargo and documents departed at MIA airport. Flight KL8435. Pieces 8. Weight 303
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 1. Weight 123
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 1. Weight 153
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 1. Weight 10
Cargo and documents arrived at MXP airport. Flight KL1396. Pieces 1. Weight 95
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight AF0301D. Pieces 1. Weight 10.4
Cargo and documents departed at SWK airport. Flight QT4011. Pieces 1. Weight 30
FWB. Flight KL0900. Pieces 1. Weight 8
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 3
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight KL0900. Pieces 2
Cargo and documents departed at KBP airport. Flight KL1382. Pieces 1. Weight 40
Booked. Pieces 1. Weight 40
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight KL1382. Pieces 3
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 1. Weight 123
The consignment has been physically delivered to the consignee or the consignee’s agent. Pieces 8. Weight 303
Booked. Pieces 2. Weight 90
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 1. Weight 30
Cargo and documents departed at FRA airport. Flight AF0301D. Pieces 1. Weight 10.4
Cargo and documents arrived at SVO airport. Flight KL0744. Pieces 11. Weight 493
Cargo and documents arrived at SVO airport. Flight KL8290. Pieces 1. Weight 65
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 16
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight EK0601. Pieces 30. Weight 1240
Cargo and documents arrived at LED airport. Flight KL1576. Pieces 15. Weight 239
Cargo and documents arrived at YVR airport. Flight KL0900. Pieces 1. Weight 9
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight QT4087. Pieces 1. Weight 30
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 2. Weight 82.6
Booked. Pieces 6. Weight 13
Freight On Hand (FSU). Pieces 1. Weight 20
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 1. Weight 124
Booked. Pieces 2. Weight 119
Cargo and documents departed at KBP airport. Flight KL1382. Pieces 3. Weight 20
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. Flight AF0655. Pieces 32. Weight 1316
Cargo and documents arrived at OUA airport. Flight AF6913. Pieces 1. Weight 475
FWB. Pieces 1. Weight 65
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 5. Weight 45
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. Pieces 226
Cargo and documents arrived at SVO airport. Flight KL0744. Pieces 16. Weight 512
FWB. Pieces 1. Weight 25
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