TAP Air Portugal Cargo Tracking 047 Sendungsverfolgung
TAP Air Portugal Cargo Tracking 047

TAP Air Portugal Cargo Tracking 047 tracking - Paketverfolgung

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TAP Air Portugal Cargo Tracking 047 - Informationen über den Spediteur

TAP Air Portugal ist die Flag-Carrier-Fluggesellschaft Portugals mit Sitz am Flughafen Lissabon, der auch als Drehkreuz dient. TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses - ist seit 2005 Mitglied der Star Alliance und bietet durchschnittlich 2.500 Flüge pro Woche zu 90 Zielen in 34 Ländern weltweit an. Das Unternehmen verfügt über eine Flotte von 100 Flugzeugen, die alle von Airbus hergestellt werden, mit Ausnahme von 22 Flugzeugen der Hersteller Embraer und ATR, die im Auftrag der Regionalfluggesellschaft TAP Express operieren.

Im Juni 2015 wurde das Unternehmen halbprivatisiert und ging mehrheitlich in den Besitz des Atlantic Gateway-Konsortiums unter der Leitung von David Neeleman über, der JetBlue und Azul Brazilian Airlines gründete und zusammen mit dem portugiesischen Unternehmer Humberto Pedrosa WestJet mitbegründete. Das Atlantic Gateway Consortium erwarb am 24. Juni 2015 61% der Fluggesellschaft von der portugiesischen Regierung, mit einer Option auf den Kauf der verbleibenden 34 Prozent der Anteile der portugiesischen Regierung im Jahr 2018. Dieses Geschäft war umstritten, weil es am Ende des Mandats der Mitte-Rechts-Regierung mit breitem Widerstand der TAP-Mitarbeiter abgeschlossen wurde.

Im Oktober 2015 hat eine neue linke Regierung versucht, die Mehrheit der Kontrolle über die Fluggesellschaft an den Staat zurückzugeben, nachdem sie im Februar 2016 einen Vertrag mit dem privaten Konsortium unterzeichnet hatte, der besagt, dass sich das Unternehmen zu 50% im Besitz des portugiesischen Staates, zu 45% im Besitz des Atlantic Gateway-Konsortiums und zu 5% im Besitz von Mitarbeitern und Angestellten von TAP Air Portugal befindet. TAP Air Cargo führt durchschnittlich 2 500 Flüge pro Woche durch und verfügt über eine moderne und sichere Flotte von 80 Frachttransportflugzeugen.

TAP Air Portugal Cargo Tracking 047 - Status der Paketnachverfolgung

Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight TP073 to Galeao Antonio Carlos Jobim (GIG), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, pieces: 1, weight: 13.6
Departed (DEP). Flight TP242
Booked (CA). Flight TP075 to Galeao Antonio Carlos Jobim (GIG), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, pieces: 3, weight: 595.0
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight TP104 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 65.0
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Tancredo Neves Intl (CNF), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, pieces: 33, weight: 440.0
Booked (KK). Flight TP1035
Arrived (ARR). Flight TP757
Arrived (ARR). Flight TP3014G to Manchester (MAN), Manchester, United Kingdom, pieces: 1, weight: 170.0
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight TP262
Departed (DEP). Flight TP277 to Cancun Intl (CUN), Cancun, Mexico, pieces: 2, weight: 439.0
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 1, weight: 185.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP1015P to Barajas (MAD), Madrid, Spain, pieces: 10, weight: 1690.0
Arrived (ARR). Flight TP4002A
Booked (NN). Flight TP1545 to Praia International Airport (RAI), Praia, Santiago Island, Cape Verde, pieces: 5, weight: 35.0
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight TP242
Planned For Flight. Flight TP579 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 5, weight: 74.7
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight TP9549
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight TP236 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 386.0
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight TP058 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 23.6
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Charles De Gaulle (CDG), Paris, France, pieces: 9, weight: 43.1
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight TP259 to Lester B Pearson Intl (YYZ), Toronto, Canada, pieces: 4, weight: 105.0
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SFS5995A to Charles De Gaulle (CDG), Paris, France, pieces: 3, weight: 428.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP1127 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 20, weight: 363.0
Booked (KK). Flight TP9002B to Deputado Luis Eduardo Magalhaes (SSA), Salvador, Brazil, pieces: 5, weight: 122.0
Booked (KK). Flight TP287 to Luanda 4 De Fevereiro (LAD), Luanda, Angola, pieces: 40, weight: 600.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP9548 to Guarulhos Gov Andre Franco Montouro (GRU), Sao Paulo, Brazil, pieces: 14, weight: 544.6
Planned For Flight. Flight TP4000F to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 17, weight: 181.0
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight TP262 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 142.0
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight TP277 to Cancun Intl (CUN), Cancun, Mexico, pieces: 3, weight: 268.0
Discrepancy (DIS). Flight TP089, pieces: 36, weight: 4667.8
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight TP5000D to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 379.0
Booked (KK). Flight TP1011P to Porto (OPO), Porto, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 450.0
Pre-Manifested on Flight (PRE). Flight TP9495B to Charles De Gaulle (CDG), Paris, France, pieces: 1, weight: 92.0
Booking On Hold (NN). Flight WD5800
Booked (KK). Flight TP087 to Guarulhos Gov Andre Franco Montouro (GRU), Sao Paulo, Brazil, pieces: 34, weight: 4410.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP089 to Guarulhos Gov Andre Franco Montouro (GRU), Sao Paulo, Brazil, pieces: 24, weight: 3112.0
Booked (KK). Flight TP9191 to Guarulhos Gov Andre Franco Montouro (GRU), Sao Paulo, Brazil, pieces: 1, weight: 850.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP579 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 76.0
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight TP1026F to Charles De Gaulle (CDG), Paris, France, pieces: 1, weight: 290.0
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight TP242 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 2, weight: 369.8
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight TP283 to Maputo (MPM), Maputo, Mozambique, pieces: 1, weight: 218.0
Arrived (ARR). Flight TP669 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 5, weight: 88.0
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight TP076 to Porto (OPO), Porto, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 290.0
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 2, weight: 37.0
Transferred to another Airline (TFD). Flight TP277 to Licenciado Benito Juarez Intl (MEX), Mexico City, Mexico, pieces: 1, weight: 37.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP072 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 4, weight: 2300.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP1003P to Brussels Natl (BRU), Brussels, Belgium, pieces: 4, weight: 240.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP074 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 2, weight: 435.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP9549 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 10, weight: 5500.0
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight TP277 to Cancun Intl (CUN), Cancun, Mexico, pieces: 31, weight: 5269.8
Departed (DEP). Flight TP9533 to Simon Bolivar Intl (CCS), Caracas, Venezuela, pieces: 19, weight: 443.4
Planned For Flight. Flight TP6502L to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 5, weight: 96.6
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight TP074 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 2, weight: 435.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP1116
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight TP1545 to Praia International Airport (RAI), Praia, Santiago Island, Cape Verde, pieces: 6, weight: 108.9
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 138.0
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight TP8000I to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 16.1
Departed (DEP). Flight TP2520E to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 65.0
Booking On Hold (NN). Flight TP223 to Miami Intl (MIA), Miami, United States, pieces: 4, weight: 907.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP036 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 402.6
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight TP9533 to Simon Bolivar Intl (CCS), Caracas, Venezuela, pieces: 19, weight: 443.4
Booked (KK). Flight TP089 to Guarulhos Gov Andre Franco Montouro (GRU), Sao Paulo, Brazil, pieces: 1, weight: 263.6
Planned For Flight. Flight TP1113P to Barajas (MAD), Madrid, Spain, pieces: 10, weight: 5720.0
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight TP242
Planned For Flight. Flight TP9100 to Praia International Airport (RAI), Praia, Santiago Island, Cape Verde, pieces: 1, weight: 53.2
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight TP1698 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 28, weight: 419.2
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight TP9817M to Licenciado Benito Juarez Intl (MEX), Mexico City, Mexico, pieces: 4, weight: 277.0
Discrepancy (DIS). Flight TP075A, pieces: 2, weight: 1996.0
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight TP016 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 25, weight: 324.0
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight TP277 to Cancun Intl (CUN), Cancun, Mexico, pieces: 4, weight: 799.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP4000F to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 12, weight: 478.0
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight TP669 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 124.0
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Lester B Pearson Intl (YYZ), Toronto, Canada, pieces: 4, weight: 107.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP286 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 3, weight: 112.0
Booked (KK). Flight TP2000E to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 2, weight: 180.0
Booked (KK). Flight WD5801 to Viracopos (VCP), Campinas, Brazil, pieces: 2, weight: 50.0
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight TP573 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 3, weight: 30.4
Arrived (ARR). Flight TP224 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 18.5
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Presidente Juscelino Kubitschek (BSB), Brasilia, Brazil, pieces: 2, weight: 244.0
Booked (KK). Flight TP1557
Planned For Flight. Flight TP083 to Guarulhos Gov Andre Franco Montouro (GRU), Sao Paulo, Brazil, pieces: 8, weight: 157.0
Discrepancy (DIS). Flight TP257, pieces: 1, weight: 65.0
Departed on flight (KK). Flight TP8304I to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 2, weight: 251.2
Booked (KK). Flight TP1515P to Barajas (MAD), Madrid, Spain, pieces: 10, weight: 5680.0
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight TP4000F to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 3, weight: 927.0
Departed (DEP). Flight TP104 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 4, weight: 240.0
Departed (DEP). Flight TP4021F to Charles De Gaulle (CDG), Paris, France, pieces: 2, weight: 330.0
Booking On Hold (NN). Flight TP9817M to Licenciado Benito Juarez Intl (MEX), Mexico City, Mexico, pieces: 31, weight: 5270.0
Planned For Flight. Flight TP088 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 1, weight: 524.0
Pre-Manifested on Flight (PRE). Flight TP224 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 9, weight: 43.1
Departed (DEP). Flight TP824 to Malpensa (MXP), Milano, Italy, pieces: 1, weight: 32.5
Pre-Manifested on Flight (PRE). Flight TP213 to Newark Liberty Intl (EWR), Newark, United States, pieces: 15, weight: 1702.2
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight TP1002P to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 44, weight: 1010.3
Departed (DEP). Flight TP087 to Guarulhos Gov Andre Franco Montouro (GRU), Sao Paulo, Brazil, pieces: 1, weight: 11.6
Planned For Flight. Flight TP1007P to Malpensa (MXP), Milano, Italy, pieces: 1, weight: 789.5
Arrived (ARR). Flight TP4000F
Booked (UU). Flight TP075 to Galeao Antonio Carlos Jobim (GIG), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, pieces: 1, weight: 163.0
Discrepancy (DIS). Flight TP081, pieces: 31, weight: 2921.5
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight TP224 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 5, weight: 1286.4
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight TP1357 to Lisboa (LIS), Lisbon, Portugal, pieces: 68, weight: 0.0
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