Seguimiento Turkish Airlines Cargo
Turkish Airlines Cargo   

Turkish Airlines Cargo: rastreo de envíos, pedido y paquetes

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¿Cómo puedo rastrear mi paquete de Turkish Airlines Cargo con

  1. Descubre el número de seguimiento de tu paquete;
  2. Introduce el número de seguimiento de tu paquete en el campo de la parte superior de la página;
  3. Espera hasta que el servicio verifique los datos del paquete, no tardará mucho;
  4. Mira los resultados de la búsqueda y compártelos con tus amigos a través de las redes sociales;
  5. Si introduces tu dirección de correo electrónico, podemos notificarte automáticamente los cambios en el estado de tu paquete.

Turkish Airlines Cargo - información sobre la compañía

Ofreciendo servicio a 127 países y siendo la marca de carga aérea de más rápido crecimiento en todo el mundo, Turkish Cargo ha estado llevando a cabo las operaciones de transporte de carga aérea de Turkish Airlines, la "estrella en ascenso" de Turquía, desde 1933.

Según los datos acumulados obtenidos en diciembre de 2019 por World Air Cargo Data; Turkish Cargo alcanzó una tasa de crecimiento del 7,1%, mientras que el mercado de carga aérea se redujo en un 4,4%, alcanzando el séptimo lugar en el mercado internacional de carga aérea.

Operando con la flota de Turkish Airlines, nuestra principal marca de transporte de bandera, que incluye 359 aeronaves (aviones de pasajeros y cargueros), Turkish Cargo presta servicios de carga aérea a más de 322 destinos, incluidos 90 destinos de carga directa.

Actuando con el objetivo de hacer de Estambul, el punto de intersección del tráfico de carga aérea, el centro logístico del mundo, la triunfante marca de carga aérea planea operar vuelos directos a 120 destinos para el 2023.

Mientras Turquía se prepara para convertirse en un nuevo punto de referencia para el mundo con la apertura del Mega Hub del aeropuerto de Estambul, las instalaciones de Turkish Cargo SmartIST tendrán una superficie cerrada de 300.000 metros cuadrados y una capacidad anual para clasificar 4 millones de toneladas de carga.

Al tiempo que asegura un crecimiento sostenible y sigue siendo preferida en el transporte de carga aérea gracias a su infraestructura, su capacidad operacional, su flota y su personal altamente competente, Turkish Cargo se propone ser una de las cinco principales marcas mundiales de carga aérea, de conformidad con la visión establecida para 2023, año en que se cumple el centenario de la fundación de la República de Turquía.

Turkish Airlines Cargo - Estados de seguimiento deL paquete

Shipment Booked. 1 Pieces/294,00 kg. Flight TK0185
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 40 Pieces/927,00 kg. Flight TK0416
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 600 Pieces/2.648,00 kg. Flight TK6517
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/590,00 kg. Flight TK0032
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 47 Pieces/529,00 kg. Flight TK6539
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/30,00 kg. Flight TK6432
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 9 Pieces/130,00 kg. Flight TK6491
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/16,30 kg. Flight TK4911
Shipment Manifested. 80 Pieces/1.114,00 kg. Flight TK6394
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/49,00 kg. Flight TK0626
El envío se recibió físicamente del vuelo y llegó a la bodega de carga en el destino final. 1 Piezas / 73,00 kg. Vuelo TK8410
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 2 Pieces/0,00 kg. Flight TK6223
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/20,00 kg. Flight TK6528
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 9 Pieces/133,00 kg. Flight TK6292
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 3 Pieces/971,00 kg
Shipment Manifested. 16 Pieces/336,00 kg. Flight TK0285
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/96,00 kg. Flight TK6276
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/14,00 kg. Flight TK6331
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/5,60 kg. Flight TK6163
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/7,46 kg. Flight TK6331
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/40,40 kg. Flight TK0651
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/52,00 kg. Flight TK6525
Shipment Manifested. 9 Pieces/1.864,00 kg. Flight TK6562
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 3 Pieces/743,00 kg. Flight TK1977
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 1 Pieces/21,00 kg
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/144,00 kg. Flight TK1938
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/163,00 kg. Flight TK6163
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 36 Pieces/744,50 kg
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 82 Pieces/17.925,00 kg
Shipment Booked. 17 Pieces/280,00 kg
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/108,00 kg. Flight TK1876
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 1 Pieces/18,00 kg. Flight TK6575
Shipment Manifested. 16 Pieces/63,00 kg. Flight TK6221
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 6 Pieces/74,00 kg. Flight TK0084
Shipment Manifested. 32 Pieces/144,67 kg. Flight TK0283
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 4 Pieces/262,00 kg
Shipment Booked. 1 Pieces/11,00 kg. Flight TR1020
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/0,00 kg. Flight TK6163
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 9 Pieces/145,10 kg. Flight TK1083
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/18,00 kg. Flight TK0460
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/82,00 kg. Flight TK6278
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 4 Pieces/57,00 kg. Flight TK6491
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/42,00 kg. Flight TK6419
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 5 Pieces/195,00 kg
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/151,00 kg. Flight TK6201
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/48,00 kg. Flight TK1980
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/130,00 kg. Flight TK0801
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/30,00 kg. Flight TR2000
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 6 Pieces/255,00 kg. Flight TK6356
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 8 Pieces/74,20 kg. Flight TK4913
Shipment Booked. 1 Pieces/2,40 kg. Flight TK2313
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/55,00 kg. Flight TK6374
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 202 Pieces/2.610,00 kg. Flight TK6315
Shipment Manifested. 19 Pieces/233,00 kg. Flight TK6081
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 105 Pieces/605,00 kg. Flight TK6233
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 44 Pieces/628,00 kg. Flight TK1854
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/107,50 kg. Flight TK0459
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 2 Pieces/590,00 kg
Shipment Booked. 2 Pieces/46,00 kg. Flight TK6327
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/371,20 kg. Flight TK0460
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 20 Pieces/337,00 kg. Flight TK6519
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/46,00 kg. Flight TK6107
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 2 Pieces/116,00 kg
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 6 Pieces/271,00 kg. Flight TK6522
Shipment Manifested. 6 Pieces/271,00 kg. Flight TK6522
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 13 Pieces/136,74 kg
Shipment Booked. 33 Pieces/332,00 kg. Flight TK6575
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/20,00 kg. Flight TK0082
Shipment Manifested. 25 Pieces/195,00 kg. Flight TK1032
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 2 Pieces/26,25 kg. Flight TR1013
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 19 Pieces/424,00 kg. Flight TK1937
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 4 Pieces/56,60 kg. Flight TK6311
Shipment Manifested. 13 Pieces/136,74 kg. Flight TK6251
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 105 Pieces/2.595,00 kg. Flight TK6317
The consignment has been physically delivered to the consignee or the consignee’s agent. 9 Pieces/7.970,00 kg. Flight TK6210
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 9 Pieces/170,00 kg
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 1 Pieces/2,50 kg. Flight TK0077
Shipment Manifested. 2 Pieces/8,80 kg. Flight TR1017
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 2 Pieces/130,00 kg. Flight TK6163
Shipment Booked. 2 Pieces/590,00 kg. Flight TK0617
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 2 Pieces/16,00 kg
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 5 Pieces/0,00 kg. Flight TK0039S
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 47 Pieces/493,00 kg
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/21,00 kg. Flight TK6403
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. -1 Pieces/-304,00 kg
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 2 Pieces/474,00 kg. Flight TR1010
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 5 Pieces/62,00 kg. Flight TK1808
Shipment Booked. 5 Pieces/378,00 kg. Flight TK1938
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/35,50 kg. Flight TK6163
Shipment Booked. 4 Pieces/86,10 kg. Flight TK0099D
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/304,00 kg. Flight TK0071
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 30 Pieces/778,00 kg. Flight TK6528
Cargo and documents ready for pick-up at airline, the customer (forwarder) is notified. 2 Pieces/10,00 kg
El envío se recibió físicamente del vuelo y llegó a la bodega de carga en el destino final. 43 Piezas / 1.052,40 kg. Vuelo TR2010
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 15 Pieces/349,00 kg. Flight TK6481
The consignment has been physically delivered to the consignee or the consignee’s agent. 2 Pieces/16,00 kg
Cargo and documents departed at airport of origin. 1 Pieces/374,00 kg. Flight MH0149
Consignment physically received from the flight and has arrived in the cargo bay at final destination. 1 Pieces/41,88 kg. Flight TK0402
Shipment Manifested. 1 Pieces/14,00 kg. Flight TK6331
Cargo and documents are received and accepted by airline. 2 Pieces/20,00 kg
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