China Cargo Airlines tracking, traccia spedizione
Tenete traccia dei pacchi e delle spedizioni China Cargo Airlines con il nostro servizio gratuito! Tutto quello che dovete fare per rintracciare il vostro pacco, è inserire il numero di tracciamento, e poi il servizio terrà traccia della posizione del vostro pacco in tempo reale.
Come posso rintracciare il mio pacco China Cargo Airlines con
- Scoprite il numero di tracking del vostro pacco;
- Inserite il numero di tracking del vostro pacco nel campo in cima alla pagina;
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China Cargo Airlines - informazioni sul corriere
China Cargo Airlines, è una compagnia aerea cargo con sede all'aeroporto internazionale di Hongqiao a Shanghai, Repubblica Popolare Cinese. È la prima compagnia aerea cinese all-cargo che opera servizi di trasporto merci dedicati utilizzando la struttura delle rotte di China Eastern Airlines. La sua base è situata presso l'aeroporto internazionale di Shanghai Hongqiao, con una base operativa presso l'aeroporto internazionale di Shanghai Pudong.
La compagnia aerea è stata fondata il 30 luglio 1998 e ha iniziato la sua attività nell'ottobre 1998. È stata fondata come, e rimane, una joint venture tra China Eastern Airlines (70%) e China Ocean Shipping (30%). Adottò brevemente il titolo di China Eastern Airlines Cargo e ritornò al suo nome originale dopo essere diventata una sussidiaria indipendente nel 2004.
La sua società madre China Eastern Airlines ha raggiunto un accordo per iniettare più capitale nella compagnia aerea cargo. La sua partecipazione è scesa dal 70 per cento a poco più del 51 per cento. La quota di China Ocean Shipping è scesa al 17 per cento. Questo ha permesso alla Singapore Airlines Cargo di investire fino al 16% della compagnia aerea cargo. Inoltre, anche EVA Air ha acquistato una quota del 16% della compagnia aerea.
Nel 2011, China Cargo Airlines ha fuso le sue attività con Great Wall Airlines e Shanghai Airlines Cargo. Le due compagnie aeree sono state progressivamente rinominate China Cargo Airlines.
China Cargo Airlines - Stati del tracciamento del collo
Consignment booked on specified flight from XIAN to Moscow which scheduled to take off at 0545 and land at 1030 |
Consignment information has been reported to Customs |
Already receiving the FWB sea waybill. |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen ALL |
The arrival document was received from thespecified flight |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0317 from Hangzhou and will land at London at 0630. Flight MU7191 |
Consignment was prepared for loading on flight,which scheduled to take off at 05:45 from XIAN and land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1314 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1710. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen ESTES FORWARDING WORLDWIDE |
Consignment was prepared for loading on flight,which scheduled to take off at 13:00 from XIAN and land at Moscow at 1710. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1325 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1700. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0601 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1347 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1700. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0605 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment was prepared for loading on flight,which scheduled to take off at 13:00 from XIAN and land at Moscow at 1700. Flight MU7327 |
The arrival documents have been delivered to PROFLEX LTD the consignee or his agent |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1527 from SHANGHAI PUDONG and will land at Los Angele at 1025. Flight CK221 |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen EAL |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen EFW |
Consignment booked on specified flight from SHANGHAI PUDONG to Los Angele which scheduled to take off at 2100 and land at 1700 |
The arrival document was received from thespecified flight. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1302 from Chicago and will land at SHANGHAI PUDONG at 1750. Flight CK228 |
Consignment booked on specified flight from SHANGHAI PUDONG to Los Angele which scheduled to take off at 1430 and land at 1025 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0554 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment booked on specified flight from Hangzhou to London which scheduled to take off at 0225 and land at 0630 |
Consignment was received from the specified flight. Flight CK228 |
The consignments have been delivered to WFF the consignee or his agent |
Consignment was prepared for loading on flight,which scheduled to take off at 13:50 from Chicago and land at SHANGHAI PUDONG at 1750. Flight CK228 |
Consignment booked on specified flight from Chicago to SHANGHAI PUDONG which scheduled to take off at 1350 and land at 1750 |
Consignment was received from the specified flight. Flight CK221 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0559 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment was received from the specified flight. |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen CTS |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen XIY |