Saudia Airlines Cargo tracking, traccia spedizione
Tenete traccia dei pacchi e delle spedizioni Saudia Airlines Cargo con il nostro servizio gratuito! Tutto quello che dovete fare per rintracciare il vostro pacco, è inserire il numero di tracciamento, e poi il servizio terrà traccia della posizione del vostro pacco in tempo reale.
Come posso rintracciare il mio pacco Saudia Airlines Cargo con
- Scoprite il numero di tracking del vostro pacco;
- Inserite il numero di tracking del vostro pacco nel campo in cima alla pagina;
- Aspettate che il servizio controlli i dati del pacco, non ci vorrà molto tempo;
- Visualizzate i risultati della ricerca e condivideteli con i vostri amici tramite i social network;
- Se inserite il vostro indirizzo e-mail, possiamo notificarvi automaticamente i cambiamenti di stato del vostro pacco.
Saudia Airlines Cargo - informazioni sul corriere
Con la nostra vasta rete globale che si estende su quattro continenti, 225 destinazioni internazionali e 26 destinazioni nazionali, gestiamo una flotta di cargo dedicata e offriamo un'ampia capacità sui nostri voli passeggeri in Asia, Africa, Europa e Stati Uniti.
Il nostro impegno per la soddisfazione del cliente non è secondo a nessuno. Con un'ampia gamma di prodotti e servizi appositamente studiati per soddisfare le diverse esigenze dei nostri clienti, siamo in grado di fornire un elevato livello di servizio, continuando a fornire soluzioni economicamente vantaggiose.
Mentre la nostra attività di trasporto merci continua ad espandersi, lo stesso vale per la nostra reputazione. Come uno dei principali attori mondiali nel mercato dell'aviazione cargo, siamo noti per la nostra efficienza e affidabilità, offrendo collegamenti sicuri e convenienti attraverso i nostri hub locali e internazionali. Essendo posizionati strategicamente nel Regno dell'Arabia Saudita, siamo in una posizione unica per fornire un ponte tra l'Est e l'Ovest attraverso i nostri hub, dandoci così una maggiore flessibilità per utilizzare la nostra capacità in modo efficiente e spostare il vostro carico con il minimo tempo di movimentazione a terra.
Situati nel cuore del mondo, con un'impronta veramente globale e alimentati dai nostri dipendenti impegnati e dai nostri partner di fiducia, forniamo soluzioni logistiche di livello mondiale che aiutano a far progredire le aziende e le comunità.
Servire l'industria del trasporto aereo di merci con uno spirito di eccellenza, migliorando continuamente i livelli di servizio e sviluppando soluzioni logistiche efficaci secondo i più alti standard del settore, ed essere riconosciuti come uno dei vettori aerei di trasporto merci più affidabili al mondo.
Saudia Airlines Cargo - Stati del tracciamento del collo
Planned For Flight. Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV953 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 100, weight: 5000.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Arrival documents delivered to Consignee/Agent (AWD) to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Pre-Manifested on Flight (PRE). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Arrived (ARR). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Arrived (ARR). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS) to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Arrived (ARR). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Booked (UU). Flight SV421 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 31, weight: 2214.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV3045 to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV817 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS) to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV953 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 106, weight: 5163.0 |
Arrival documents delivered to Consignee/Agent (AWD) to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV953 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 106, weight: 5163.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV1464 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV836 to Changi Intl (SIN), Singapore, Singapore, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Delivered (DLV) to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV919 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 38.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Booked (NN). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV817 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV3963 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 81, weight: 708.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV3963 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Planned For Flight. Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV1022 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Discrepancy (DIS). Flight SV914 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Planned For Flight. Flight SV1464 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV3963 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV571 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV1464 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Consignee/Agent notified of arrival (NFD) to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV3963 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Delivered (DLV) to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 649, weight: 5487.5 |
Planned For Flight. Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV113 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Arrived (ARR). Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV1022 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV914 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Consignee/Agent notified of arrival (NFD) to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV453 to Khartoum (KRT), Khartoum, Sudan, pieces: 14, weight: 120.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV919 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 38.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV919 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 38.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV817 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Planned For Flight. Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV919 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 38.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV1464 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Booked (UU). Flight SV953 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 31, weight: 2214.0 |
Pre-Manifested on Flight (PRE). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV571 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Discrepancy (DIS). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV1022 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV453 to Khartoum (KRT), Khartoum, Sudan, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5421.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV3045 to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 81, weight: 708.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 50, weight: 1300.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |