Suivi des colis et envois de China Cargo Airlines
Suivez les colis et les envois de China Cargo Airlines grâce à notre service gratuit! Tout ce que vous avez à faire pour suivre votre colis est de saisir le numéro de suivi, puis le service suivra l’emplacement de votre colis en temps réel.
Comment puis-je suivre mon colis China Cargo Airlines avec
- Trouvez le numéro de suivi de votre colis;
- Entrez le numéro de suivi de votre colis dans le champ en haut de la page;
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- Si vous entrez votre adresse e-mail, nous pouvons vous informer automatiquement des modifications du statut de votre colis.
China Cargo Airlines - informations sur le transporteur
China Cargo Airlines est une compagnie de fret dont le siège social est situé à l'aéroport international de Hongqiao à Shanghai, en République populaire de Chine. Il s'agit de la première compagnie aérienne tout cargo de Chine à exploiter des services de fret dédiés en utilisant la structure de lignes de China Eastern Airlines. Sa base se trouve à l'aéroport international de Hongqiao de Shanghai, avec un hub à l'aéroport international de Shanghai Pudong.
La compagnie aérienne a été créée le 30 juillet 1998 et a commencé ses activités en octobre 1998. Elle a été fondée et demeure une entreprise commune entre China Eastern Airlines (70 %) et China Ocean Shipping (30 %). Elle a brièvement adopté le titre de China Eastern Airlines Cargo et est revenue à son nom d'origine après être devenue une filiale indépendante en 2004.
Sa société mère China Eastern Airlines a conclu un accord pour injecter davantage de capitaux dans la compagnie aérienne de fret. Sa participation est passée de 70 % à un peu plus de 51 %. La part de China Ocean Shipping a été réduite à 17 %. Cela a permis à Singapore Airlines Cargo d'investir jusqu'à 16 % dans la compagnie aérienne de fret. En outre, EVA Air a également acheté une part de 16 % de la compagnie aérienne.
En 2011, China Cargo Airlines a fusionné avec Great Wall Airlines et Shanghai Airlines Cargo. Les deux compagnies ont été progressivement rebaptisées China Cargo Airlines.
China Cargo Airlines - Statuts de suivi des colis
Consignment booked on specified flight from XIAN to Moscow which scheduled to take off at 0545 and land at 1030 |
Consignment information has been reported to Customs |
Already receiving the FWB sea waybill. |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen ALL |
The arrival document was received from thespecified flight |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0317 from Hangzhou and will land at London at 0630. Flight MU7191 |
Consignment was prepared for loading on flight,which scheduled to take off at 05:45 from XIAN and land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1314 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1710. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen ESTES FORWARDING WORLDWIDE |
Consignment was prepared for loading on flight,which scheduled to take off at 13:00 from XIAN and land at Moscow at 1710. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1325 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1700. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0601 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1347 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1700. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0605 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment was prepared for loading on flight,which scheduled to take off at 13:00 from XIAN and land at Moscow at 1700. Flight MU7327 |
The arrival documents have been delivered to PROFLEX LTD the consignee or his agent |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1527 from SHANGHAI PUDONG and will land at Los Angele at 1025. Flight CK221 |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen EAL |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen EFW |
Consignment booked on specified flight from SHANGHAI PUDONG to Los Angele which scheduled to take off at 2100 and land at 1700 |
The arrival document was received from thespecified flight. Flight MU7327 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 1302 from Chicago and will land at SHANGHAI PUDONG at 1750. Flight CK228 |
Consignment booked on specified flight from SHANGHAI PUDONG to Los Angele which scheduled to take off at 1430 and land at 1025 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0554 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment booked on specified flight from Hangzhou to London which scheduled to take off at 0225 and land at 0630 |
Consignment was received from the specified flight. Flight CK228 |
The consignments have been delivered to WFF the consignee or his agent |
Consignment was prepared for loading on flight,which scheduled to take off at 13:50 from Chicago and land at SHANGHAI PUDONG at 1750. Flight CK228 |
Consignment booked on specified flight from Chicago to SHANGHAI PUDONG which scheduled to take off at 1350 and land at 1750 |
Consignment was received from the specified flight. Flight CK221 |
Consignment was departed on specified flight which took off at 0559 from XIAN and will land at Moscow at 1030 |
Consignment was received from the specified flight. |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen CTS |
Consignment received from shipper or his agen XIY |