Suivi des colis et envois de Saudia Airlines Cargo
Suivez les colis et les envois de Saudia Airlines Cargo grâce à notre service gratuit! Tout ce que vous avez à faire pour suivre votre colis est de saisir le numéro de suivi, puis le service suivra l’emplacement de votre colis en temps réel.
Comment puis-je suivre mon colis Saudia Airlines Cargo avec
- Trouvez le numéro de suivi de votre colis;
- Entrez le numéro de suivi de votre colis dans le champ en haut de la page;
- Attendez que le service vérifie les données du colis, cela ne prendra pas longtemps;
- Consultez les résultats de la recherche et partagez-les avec vos amis via les réseaux sociaux;
- Si vous entrez votre adresse e-mail, nous pouvons vous informer automatiquement des modifications du statut de votre colis.
Saudia Airlines Cargo - informations sur le transporteur
Grâce à notre vaste réseau mondial couvrant quatre continents, 225 destinations internationales et 26 destinations intérieures, nous exploitons une flotte de cargos dédiée et offrons une grande capacité sur nos vols passagers à travers l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Europe et les États-Unis.
Notre engagement à satisfaire nos clients est sans égal. Grâce à une large gamme de produits et de services spécifiquement adaptés aux exigences variables de nos clients, nous sommes en mesure de fournir un niveau de service élevé tout en continuant à proposer des solutions rentables.
Notre réputation ne cesse de croître à mesure que nos activités de fret se développent. En tant que l'un des principaux acteurs mondiaux du marché du fret aérien, nous sommes connus pour notre efficacité et notre fiabilité, offrant des connexions sûres et pratiques grâce à nos plateformes locales et internationales. Grâce à notre situation stratégique au Royaume d'Arabie saoudite, nous sommes idéalement placés pour assurer un pont entre l'Est et l'Ouest via nos hubs, ce qui nous donne une flexibilité accrue pour utiliser notre capacité efficacement et transporter votre fret avec un minimum de temps de manutention au sol.
Situés au cœur du monde, avec une empreinte véritablement mondiale et animés par nos employés engagés et nos partenaires de confiance, nous fournissons des solutions logistiques de classe mondiale qui aident à faire progresser les entreprises et les communautés.
Servir le secteur du fret aérien dans un esprit d'excellence en améliorant constamment les niveaux de service et en développant des solutions logistiques efficaces selon les normes les plus élevées du secteur, et être reconnu comme l'un des transporteurs de fret aérien les plus fiables au monde.
Saudia Airlines Cargo - Statuts de suivi des colis
Planned For Flight. Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV953 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 100, weight: 5000.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Arrival documents delivered to Consignee/Agent (AWD) to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Pre-Manifested on Flight (PRE). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Arrived (ARR). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Arrived (ARR). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS) to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Arrived (ARR). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Booked (UU). Flight SV421 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 31, weight: 2214.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV3045 to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV817 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS) to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV953 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 106, weight: 5163.0 |
Arrival documents delivered to Consignee/Agent (AWD) to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV953 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 106, weight: 5163.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV1464 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV836 to Changi Intl (SIN), Singapore, Singapore, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Delivered (DLV) to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV919 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 38.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Booked (NN). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV817 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 2, weight: 54.8 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV3963 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 81, weight: 708.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV3963 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Planned For Flight. Flight SV826 to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV1022 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Discrepancy (DIS). Flight SV914 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Planned For Flight. Flight SV1464 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV3963 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV571 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV1464 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Consignee/Agent notified of arrival (NFD) to Soekarno Hatta Intl (CGK), Jakarta, Indonesia, pieces: 19, weight: 520.2 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV3963 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Delivered (DLV) to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 649, weight: 5487.5 |
Planned For Flight. Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV237 to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV113 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Arrived (ARR). Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV1022 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV914 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Consignee/Agent notified of arrival (NFD) to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5506.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV453 to Khartoum (KRT), Khartoum, Sudan, pieces: 14, weight: 120.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV919 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 38.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV919 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 38.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV179 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV817 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Planned For Flight. Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV919 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 38.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV1464 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 2, weight: 45.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Booked (UU). Flight SV953 to Bole Intl (ADD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, pieces: 31, weight: 2214.0 |
Pre-Manifested on Flight (PRE). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV571 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV168 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 21, weight: 575.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV889 to King Abdulaziz Intl (JED), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Departed on Flight (DEP). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS) to Geneva Cointrin (GVA), Geneva, Switzerland, pieces: 3, weight: 212.0 |
Received From Flight (RCF). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Discrepancy (DIS). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV913 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 8.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV1022 to King Khaled Intl (RUH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV453 to Khartoum (KRT), Khartoum, Sudan, pieces: 11, weight: 89.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV373 to Mohammed V Intl (CMN), Casablanca, Morocco, pieces: 1, weight: 45.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 651, weight: 5421.0 |
Manifested on Flight (MAN). Flight SV3045 to Maastricht (MST), Maastricht, Netherlands, pieces: 81, weight: 708.0 |
Received From Shipper (RCS). Flight SV to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 12.0 |
Departed (DEP). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 49, weight: 1202.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV115 to Heathrow (LHR), London, United Kingdom, pieces: 50, weight: 1300.0 |
Booked (KK). Flight SV929 to Frankfurt Main (FRA), Frankfurt, Germany, pieces: 1, weight: 26.0 |