Qxpress tracking packages and shipments
Keep track of Qxpress parcels and shipments with our free service! All you need to do to track your parcel, is to enter the tracking number, and then the service will keep track of your parcel’s location in real time.
How do I track my Qxpress parcel with 100Parcels.com?
- Find out the tracking number of your parcel;
- Enter the tracking number of your parcel in the field at the top of the page;
- Wait until the service checks the parcel data, it will not take long;
- View the search results and share them with your friends via social networking;
- If you enter your email address, we can notify you automatically of changes to the status of your parcel.
How long does Qxpress take to deliver?
It takes around 24 hours or less if you are within that area/region even faster sometimes depending on your location but it does not take that long since they have their own fleet which makes them one of the fastest courier services as compared to others. If you want a more accurate time frame, you can always check their estimated delivery timing on their site or just call them up.
How much is Qxpress delivery?
Qxpress delivery costs SGD 12.50 (SGD 13) for deliveries within Singapore and is free if your order value exceeds SGD 150. For international orders, the cost of shipping depends on the weight of items in your cart and starts at US$20 (the US $21).
Please note that some products may be chargeable under certain circumstances.
Does Qxpress deliver on Saturday?
Qxpress does not deliver on weekends and public holidays.
About Qxpress
Qxpress was founded in 2011. Since then, it has grown to become one of the biggest couriers in Singapore with over 100 partner companies and more than 500 employees. Qxpress is a courier service provider in Singapore. It provides delivery services for parcels, documents, and express deliveries. Their network consists of more than 100 partner companies that are spread throughout the country. Qxpress also offers international shipping services.
Qxpress uses the same tracking number for all deliveries. The tracking system is provided by Singapore Post and can be tracked online on their website.
All shipments are delivered directly to your door while documents go through a centralized processing center before they get processed so you can receive them faster than ones sent using other services where documents might take up to few days before getting processed at their end.
The tracking number for all deliveries is unique which makes tracking easy by inputting only the code without country or company prefixes/suffixes. All parcels are delivered directly to your door while documents go through a centralized processing center before they get processed so you can receive them faster than ones sent using other services where documents might take up to few days before getting processed at their end. For international shipping, there are no additional charges for small parcels under 30kg.
Services Qxpress including:
- Door-to-door service for parcel and documents delivery with tracking number provided.
- Centralized document processing center which speeds up the delivery process.
- International shipping services are available including small parcels under 30kg without any additional charges but having every extra kg cost SGD20-25 depending on destination country/region.
Qxpress - Parcel tracking statuses
Long Keep in Failed Store (by Qdrive RealTime-Upload) |
Pickup Done (by Qdrive RealTime-Upload) |
Actually Arrived at SINGAPORE CHANGI Actually Arrived at (SINGAPORE CHANGI) |
Long Keep in Failed Store Parcel pending due to Tax Duty payment. Please email to info@qxpress.my to retrieve Tax Invoice for payment instruction. |
Delivered |
Long Keep in Failed Store duty unpaid, please email to cbl@qxpress.my |
Parcel Departed from Sender Nation It will be departure at (SINGAPORE CHANGI) airport. Depending on the airline situation, there may be a delay in departure. |
Parcel Departed from Sender Nation |
Pickup Confirmed |
Hold at the export side MAWB: 539 05772885, Bundle pack: 20211007-MY-569 |
Pickup Failed (by Qdrive RealTime-Upload) |
Arrived at Destination Country Customs Arrived at KUALA LUMPUR |
Arrived at Destination Country Customs Arrived at KUALA LUMPUR (Estimated Time) |
Long Keep in Failed Store pending duty unpaid |
Pickup Confirmed Shipping Company Changed |
Arrived at Destination Country Customs Arrived at SINGAPORE CHANGI (Estimated Time) |
Pickup Request Received |
Arrived at Destination Country Customs It will be arrive at (KUALA LUMPUR) airport. Depending on the airline situation, there may be a delay in arrival. |
Long Keep in Failed Store Parcel pending due to Tax Duty payment. Please email to cbl@qxpress.my to retrieve Tax Invoice for payment instruction. |
Arrived at Destination Country Customs It will be arrive at (SINGAPORE CHANGI) airport. Depending on the airline situation, there may be a delay in arrival. |
Long Keep in Failed Store Parcel at Qxpress warehouse, please email to cbl@qxpress.my for duty invoice |
Re-delivery started |
Arrived at the Distribution Center |
Arrived at the Processing Facility |
Delivered Auto Admin Job |
Pickup Done |
Pickup Pending |
Starting Delivery to the Destination Country |
Again |
Long Keep in Failed Store please email to |
Long Keep in Failed Store pending duty unpaid and COR |
Long Keep in Failed Store duty parcel, please contact qxpress by email to cbl@qxpress.my for custom duty receipt amount |
Actually Arrived at SINGAPORE CHANGI Actually Arrived at SINGAPORE CHANGI |
Pickup Reassigned |
Delivered please email to |
Long Keep in Failed Store parcel at Qxpress warehouse, please email |
Delivery Partner Assigned |
Smartship Order Registered |
Starting Delivery to Recipient |
Long Keep in Failed Store Pending Duty Payment |
Delivery Attempt Failed (by Qdrive RealTime-Upload) |
Delivered pending duty unpaid |
Again Parcel pending due to Tax Duty payment. Please email to cbl@qxpress.my to retrieve Tax Invoice for payment instruction. |
Again Arrived at KUALA LUMPUR (Estimated Time) |
Starting Delivery to Recipient It will be departure at (SINGAPORE CHANGI) airport. Depending on the airline situation, there may be a delay in departure. |
Delivered Pending Duty Payment |
Parcel Departed from Sender Nation It will be departure at (INCHEON) airport. Depending on the airline situation, there may be a delay in departure. |