San Marino Post tracking packages and shipments
Keep track of San Marino Post parcels and shipments with our free service! All you need to do to track your parcel, is to enter the tracking number, and then the service will keep track of your parcel’s location in real time.
How do I track my San Marino Post parcel with
- Find out the tracking number of your parcel;
- Enter the tracking number of your parcel in the field at the top of the page;
- Wait until the service checks the parcel data, it will not take long;
- View the search results and share them with your friends via social networking;
- If you enter your email address, we can notify you automatically of changes to the status of your parcel.
San Marino Post - Tracking number format
- A# *** *** *** SM
- C# *** *** *** SM
- E# *** *** *** SM
- L# *** *** *** SM
- R# *** *** *** SM
- S# *** *** *** SM
- V# *** *** *** SM
- 5C1992F *** ***
# - letter; * - digit; ! - letter or digit
San Marino Post - information about carrier
Poste San Marino HEALTH SPA, a single shareholder company entirely owned by the State, was born upon 24/08/2015, with the start of its organisation on 02/01/2016, it is the result of the change of the Public Administration Office "Poste & Telecomunicazioni", through the intermediate step to a public body.
It manages its services according to criteria of economy and performance, and it is the competent Postal Operator to carry out the provisions of the International Conventions and global acts on postal matters, ratified by the Great and General Council.
Poste San Marino runs through a General Management, 10 post workplaces, some of which are open continuously and on Saturday early mornings and the Arrivals and Departures workplace, a collection and sorting center for all correspondence getting in and leaving the Republic.
Postal services
The universal postal service guarantees the collection, arranging, circulation and distribution of postal products individually of the user's geographical location at economical costs and in a non-discriminatory way.
Correspondence, books, brochures, periodicals and so forth as well as postal parcels including goods with or without industrial worth are considered postal products.
Financial services
Since January 2013, Poste San Marino markets different monetary services offered by post workplaces located in the area of the Republic:
- Money transfer
- Bill payment
- INPS pension payment
San Marino Post - Parcel tracking statuses
Inviato dalla sede Italia/Estero alla sede Italia/Esteroý(IT) |
Censito presso la sede SE - UP Serravalle |
Inviato dalla sede SM - UP San Marino alla sede AP - Sz. Arrivi e partenze |
Sent from the Italy / Abroad office to the Italy / Abroad office (IT) |
Consegna effettuata dalla sede AP - Sz. Arrivi e partenze (Da portalettere) |
Censito presso la sede AC - UP Acquaviva |
Accettato dalla sede Italia/Esteroý(IT) |
Inviato dalla sede SE - UP Serravalle alla sede AP - Sz. Arrivi e partenze |
Censored at the AP - Sz. Arrivals and departures |
Accettato dalla sede Italia/Estero (DE) |
Accettato dalla sede AP - Sz. Arrivi e partenze |
Consegna fallita presso la sede Italia/Estero (IP) |
Sent from AP - Sz. Arrivals and departures at the Italy / Abroad headquarters |
In consegna presso la sede AP - Sz. Arrivi e partenze |
Consegna effetuata dalla sede AP - Sz. Arrivi e partenze (Da portalettere) |
Inviato dalla sede FA - UP Faetano alla sede AP - Sz. Arrivi e partenze |
Censito presso la sede FA - UP Faetano |
Accepted by the Italy / Abroad (IT) office |
Consegna fallita presso la sede Italia/Estero (BZ) |
Inviato dalla sede AC - UP Acquaviva alla sede AP - Sz. Arrivi e partenze |
Inviato dalla sede DN - UP Dogana alla sede AP - Sz. Arrivi e partenze |
Censito presso la sede DN - UP Dogana |
Censito presso la sede SM - UP San Marino |