SVG Post tracking packages and shipments
Keep track of SVG Post parcels and shipments with our free service! All you need to do to track your parcel, is to enter the tracking number, and then the service will keep track of your parcel’s location in real time.
How do I track my SVG Post parcel with
- Find out the tracking number of your parcel;
- Enter the tracking number of your parcel in the field at the top of the page;
- Wait until the service checks the parcel data, it will not take long;
- View the search results and share them with your friends via social networking;
- If you enter your email address, we can notify you automatically of changes to the status of your parcel.
SVG Post - Tracking number format
- A# *** *** *** VC
- C# *** *** *** VC
- E# *** *** *** VC
- L# *** *** *** VC
- R# *** *** *** VC
- S# *** *** *** VC
- V# *** *** *** VC
# - letter; * - digit; ! - letter or digit
SVG Post - information about carrier
SVG Postal Corporation was established by an Act of Parliament, No. 17 of 2003 and entered into being on 1st October 2003.
SVG Post replaced the General Post Office as the main Postal Administration of the state and effectively began operations on 16th October 2003 with the transfer of the General Post Office from its short-lived area at Paul's Avenue to the newly remodelled workplaces on the Ground Floor of the Ministerial Building on Halifax Street, Kingstown.
The mission of the business: "We deliver top-notch client complete satisfaction by supplying high quality associated and postal services in a dependable, safe manner through the well skilled motivated personnel."
- Inter-Island Courier Service
- Digital signature and post box marketing
- Postal Money Orders
- Post Box leasings (Kingstown, Layou, Bequia, Canouan)
- Money Gram Agency
- Sending and getting fax
- Postage stamp
- Appointments and online US type conclusions
- Post Shop
- Express mail service (EMS)
- Parcels and packets
- Utility bill payments (Vinlec, CWSA, Karib Cable, LIME)