Tonga Post tracking packages and shipments
Keep track of Tonga Post parcels and shipments with our free service! All you need to do to track your parcel, is to enter the tracking number, and then the service will keep track of your parcel’s location in real time.
How do I track my Tonga Post parcel with
- Find out the tracking number of your parcel;
- Enter the tracking number of your parcel in the field at the top of the page;
- Wait until the service checks the parcel data, it will not take long;
- View the search results and share them with your friends via social networking;
- If you enter your email address, we can notify you automatically of changes to the status of your parcel.
Tonga Post - Tracking number format
- A# *** *** *** TO
- C# *** *** *** TO
- E# *** *** *** TO
- L# *** *** *** TO
- R# *** *** *** TO
- S# *** *** *** TO
- V# *** *** *** TO
# - letter; * - digit; ! - letter or digit
Tonga Post - information about carrier
Tonga Post Limited was registered under the Companies Act on 10th April 2006 and was corporatized on 1st July 2008, as a public enterprise. The sole investor is the Government of Tonga. The company is headed by a Board of Directors who account for the Minister for Public Enterprises. Tonga Post is a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), and the Asia and Pacific Postal Union (APPU), representing the Kingdom of Tonga.
The Head Office of the company is situated at its brand-new place on the Vaha'akolo Road, Vaololoa. The General Post Office lies at the corner of Salote Road and Taufaahau Road, Nuku'alofa however a post office counter is also offered at the Vaololoa site. The printing department is located at Vaololoa. The company telephone number is 21-700 or 23-465 for the Printing services department, with opening hours, Monday to Friday 8.30 am - 4.30 pm. The Nukualofa area sales counter service hours are from 8.30 am - 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday and 9:00 am - 12:00 pm on Saturdays.
The postal network is comprised of one post workplace in Neiafu, Vava'u and 4 postal representatives in each of the outer island groups. There are five postal agents in rural Tongatapu.
In October 2013, Tonga Post merged with Tonga Print under a Cabinet instructions that Tonga Post-purchase Tonga Print. Today, Tonga Print is now a practical department of Tonga Post running however under a new brand 'Tonga Fast Print'.
The printing service carries out the printing production and manufacturing activities: procedures consist of computer typesetting, design and layout for either digital or balanced out printing requirements; case binding, full bound binding, soft & hardcover binding, stitching and ideal bookbinding, collecting, folding & finishing and gold block writing.